Get an Eye on an Even Dozen New Hero Talent Trees

Get an Eye on an Even Dozen New Hero Talent Trees

Hero Talents are a new evergreen form of character progression that will be introduced with the release of The War Within expansion. In this article, we take a closer look at the philosophies around Hero Talents for twelve more trees.

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Including the Soul Fragment mechanic into the DH one is interesting.

However, you really should rename Aldrachi Reaver to “Soul Reaver”

Its more neutral, and fitting. The Aldrachi has never really been relevant, save for the backstory to the Aldrachi Warblades artifact weapon. We don’t know them as a race, and don’t have any attachment to them as Illidari.

Renaming it “Soul Reaver” would enables you to go even wilder with the Soul Fragment mechanic and create cool gameplay around that.

Plus it sounds significantly cooler. We Demon Hunters love that :sunglasses:

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Shaman hero talent.

Happy shaman noises.

Its for restoration and elemental.

Sad enha shaman noises.

Feedback on farseer:

  • Rng to summon ghost who do rng stuff. How original.

Also delete primodial wave.


Where is shadow hero talents? Do we need to wait much longer?


Yeah where’s Voidweaver :octopus: ?

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Pretty pleased with the monk hero talents.
Should hopefully be fun

i like the Druid of the Claw Talents


Here is pack leader hero talent tree @Tah

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It seems like a huge mistake that pact leader interacts with coordinated assault, instead of spearhead.

Coordinated assault mainly interacts with your killshot and your bombs. You only press mongoose bite or kill command, if you can’t press bomb or killshot.

Spearhead already incentivizes you to spam mongoose bite and kill command with increased damage and more kill command resets.

Would also make Deadly Duo really fun.

If you get a Frenzied Tear and Vicious Hunt proc, then mongoose bite 3 times, kill command and mongoose bite again, your last kill command and mongoose bite (assuming you proc frenzied assault) would chunk like crazy, especially if you have mongoose bite fully stacked by that point.

Its a simple change that will give spearhead some nice burst potential.

In PvP atleast spearhead damage increase is not really worth a lot, and it has basically become an additional gap closer.

It fits so well, that it almost seems like a mistake and they meant to write Spearhead all along.


death bringer?

please rework frost dk before adding more rng around obliterate

Spellslinger Frost and Spellslinger Arcane are basically entirely different. Colossal failure of the system, not that I’m complaining honestly. It’s just pure frost.

It’s a lot more clean and focused than Frostfire and doesn’t bother me as much. I think I’ll pick it, but more than likely I’ll just pick what’s OP…

Still no Shadow Priest… leaving the worst for last probably with little time for feedback.


Conduit of the Celestials sounds INSANE ! i love it. definitely the winner here in my eyes.
Slayer and Hellcaller are looking really good to me aswell !

Pack Leader on the other hand sounds so bad and uninspiried that i can’t even find words for it. Definitely the Worst Hero talent tree i’ve seen
(ignoring Oracle ofcourse, since that one is getting reworked)

Agreed, absolutely hate that spell.


Second Warrior DPS tree where you mention: “Don’t worry we will move this talent in TWW”, seems you finally acknowledge the mess you created in the warrior tree. When can we see this new shiny warrior talent tree rework?

Rider of the Apocalypse sounds really really awesome. Especially summoning the 4 horsemen. But there are actually two things that I dont like about it.

  1. Its RNG which of the horsemen you will get which means if you have bad luck, you will get the “bad” one more often than the “good” one. Which of them are the bad and good ones is to be seen.

  2. I really dont like that the 4 Horsemen get summond together with the Army of the Dead. While I love the vibe on it to be really the Deathlord again, it focuses the damage again around the biggest CD we have which means, if we cant use it at the pull or with the BL, we will again suffer from not being able to use it efficiently. Unholy DK is so heavily dependend on CDs, its kinda annoying how low our DPS is compared to when we have the CDs.

I just hoped Unholy DK would see a different way of playstyle in the next expension. I still love Unholy DK or DK in general, as I did for the past 12 years. But as it seems, we will still be the “kings and queens” of burst dps if our CDs are up.
But who knows? Maybe they do some changes to Unholy so that will change… we will see. :smiley:

Edit: What I really really really really DAAAMN love is the “on a pale horse” Talent. I am hoping for this since ages. Being able to mount up in combat. It doesnt say if we can fight while being mounted up, but eitherway thats a really cool thing. If we can fight while being mounted up, this will be even better!

To give the perspective of a casual player (HC raid an M+18 is my maximum):

I feel overwhelmed. I only looked up the Slayer talents for my warrior and nothing seems really exiting, it just seems like more complicated sh*t I have to deal with. I don’t know. Maybe I’m just too lazy, but I’m not sure if the average player is more like me or more into theorycrafting. I just feel tired when looking at this. More stacks to balance, more things to keep in mind. As if playing my class is not complicated enough already. And yeah, I know arms warri is not 4D Chess, but thats my honest feedback.


I have taken a quick look into the slayer talents and to me they seem to be only passive things. Nothing you really have to keep an eye on. They will just happen while you keep playing as you always played your warrior.

Of course, when you want to minmax your damage output you can track some things, but when you just play casual (as most of us do) you dont have to do that. Except the Bladestorm part. I guess there Blizzard wants people to use that more. But even there, Overpower and Bloodthrist will trigger a Bladestorm now and then passively.

that would be enhance.
if new things come out, enhance was pretty sure always in the back lol

Pack Leader doesn’t sound like anything cool, it’s pretty boring. It’s just not a hero talent, it’s just more damage. you should think again about the pack leader