Get an Eye on an Even Dozen New Hero Talent Trees

Most of what I’ve read is so uninspired. Now finally getting a Shaman tree. Feeling the same but twofold. Awful.

Apart from the rider they all sound terribly dull :confused:
Think I’ll just let go of it at this point.


Passive on top on passives making everything more troublesome to track.

I just hope they don’t take away the absolute corruption from Affliction warlock and so turn wither into absolute wither.
If they remove absolute corruption, they’ll just ruin the warlock affliction, as far as I’m concerned. :confused:

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Yeah, I think they shouldn’t have had a “Dark Ranger” either as it’s too hype-train-esque.

Looking forward to seeing the Shaman ones just to see what we’re getting. Hopes aren’t high, Shaman don’t get the love from Bliz for a long time now.

Edit: Had a look at Farseer, meh…
Hope the Storm one is better.

Blizzard now would be a great opportunity to rework Unholy DK’s talent tree to have more focus on raising undeads and applying Diseases on the enemy, Rider really pushes the rot build more forwards.

Also i want to ask, if you take Mograine’s passive that makes our Death and Decay bonuses to be included will this also apply if you have talented in to Defile and will Mograine replace hes Death and Decay for Defile as well.

I like the theme of farseer but i think the tree doesn’t interact with summoning ancestors enough. Alot of the nodes are just flat damage buffs which is not interesting and i think the capstone for elemental atleast is boring. I thought the point of the hero talents was to tap into the class fantasy. Giving classes flat damage boosts has nothing to do with bringing the class fantasy alive. I understand that some flat damage nodes can be important for tuning but i also think they should not be overrepresented in the hero talents. Lastly i hope the visuals are good and not that the ancestor is just a mirror image but i guess we have to wait and see till its in alpha.

Yeah, they seem to be all either Summons an Ancestor or Buffs X.
Not sure it would change how I play in the slighest. Without some visual ghost thingy I probably wouldn’t even notice these were there.

For some reason we dont get feedback forum posts in EU…

So il post it here:

Get the Ancestor Hero Talents for Shaman. Delete them.

Rework the 3 specks. And when you are done… come back with a 2nd iteration.


Can we rename the trees to:

  • Call the grandpa, Shaman.
  • Hope for horseman RNG, Death Knight
  • Blizz’s Favourite, Mage
  • Druid of the Rabies, Druid
  • BeBlade, Warrior
  • Flurries, Monk
  • No More Animals Leader, Hunter

And for the old ones and my paladin:

  • Mc Hammer, Paladin
  • Hammer Pooper, Paladin.

Thank you :smiling_face:


So when they use Bubble they can say “Can’t touch this!”


Oh for the monk also McFlurry Monk is nice but I think the name is registered ®️

As a resto-shaman where is the fantasy for farseer. A heroclass that had 0 support/healing spells in warcraft 3. This should be elemental/enhancement with interactions between ghostwolves, earthquake and chainlightning (maybe lightningbolt). That is where the fantasy is. Do things like, when you summon ghostwolves summon a third wolf as a mount for the duration, this wolf attacks your target while in range? Or your EQ/ghostwolves damage-instances increase the damage of your next chainlightning/lightning bolt by x% per stack upto x stacks. That is fantasy that is farseer.

Then the actual abilities from a resto perspective also lack anything interesting. Especially the capstone leaves alot to be desired. I dislike Nature’s swiftness already, it’s good but extremely boring and summoning some extra passive healing really doesn’t sound like an improvement. Get rid of ancestors as a whole, while i understand where this comes from in terms of fantasy, shaman as a whole has moved away from spirits/ancestors for so long it just doesn’t fit anymore, especially in this, honestly very boring and lacking in both fantasy and interresting abilities, talent tree.


I’d actually prefer a mirror image, or at least visuals that take the shaman’s race into account.

In general, regarding the whole hero talents system, I don’t want more buttons and overall prefer hero talents that alter existing abilities or talents. Like Uda, I also feel it would be better if the developers focused on reworking existing trees and specs.

More isn’t always better. Players already seem to gravitate toward the easier to play specs with fewer buttons, fewer spinning plates, and fewer necessary WAs for tracking.

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I like the feral one because it leans into shapeshifting more which is really good fantasy, but leaning more into bite spam is always what ruins the spec

Why are the devs so hell bent on taking all DoT damage away from a dot centric class since day one and moving it into finisher spam? Why not just overhaul the entire spec at this point?

As an Arcane main I am very happy with the spellslinger talent tree concepts.

I am happy there are survivability options that Frost and Arcane can have access to, this balances out Fire having cauterize.

However, the whole ‘splinter’ thing is quite underwhelming reading it. Are these going to be massive arcane or frost shards or what? Why can’t they be something like spelltomes or spellbooks, or magical playing cards? Anything with more interesting theme than just ‘splinters.’

Obviously, aesthetic is not as important as the talent designs themselves, and if we take away my issues with how stuff may look on my screen, this talent tree is brilliant and definitely one of the best I’ve seen.

I think people don’t have the full grasp of what this new talents are :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: these… are meant to stay as evergreen feature. If you are a hunter for example, it means you are stuck with these trees until the game dies :rofl::sweat_smile::rofl: same with those classes whose hero talents are bound to a certain talent in their original tree.

Yes please. Its really bad.

I would have a ton of suggestions on how to improve it.

Unfortunately, most of those improvements belong on the class tree.

With shaman I would FIRST rework all 3 specs. And THEN do the hero class talents.

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we already have this ancestor talent and it is terrible, now the make a talent tree around it lol

next thing you know is enhance will be a whole talent tree about ascendance kek

dont have high hopes for totemic because it mosyly will focus around 2 totems that will lose against the massive crappy healing increase

these hero talents remind me about or really bad tier bonuses

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Death knight got 2 really cool talent trees. Demon hunter seems to be functional but super boring thematically. Feral druids are now bearweaving. Hunter tree is just tragic. Evoker one is thematic and apparently according to content creators really promising. Spellslinger seems actually cool, remind me of GW2 virtuoso. Monk ones are just sad. I love the theme of shaman one but the capstone talent is just LOL. Hellcaller is boring but then again the entire warlock class is functional but super boring. And warrior seems just super basic but then again warrior is a super basic class so nothing special there.