Noble flying carpet mount

god damn this event and this mount.

30 quest completed got the tmog done, a bunch of duplicates but no mount.

i guess tomorow is another day, but i swear to god even with 46k achievements points and 942 mounts already done, if i don’t get this mount by the end of the event i won’t renew my sub

god i hate with a passion this type of event

the rocket of course didn’t drop either

i won’t look for another year at this stupid mount coolection being unable to farm and obtain this

rant over


Thankfully I’m only after the set, and have gotten the chest pieces already. Best of luck to everyone who wants the carpet though.

I perfectly understand the complaints, we have a similar amount of mounts, though I stopped going after achievements seriously a few expansions ago, and in my opinion if this mount is 1% (at this point I seriously doubt it’s any higher) it should be possible, 100 toons per day gives you 700 tries, which is unheard of that you don’t get a 1% mount after 700 tries, at least from people who accurately count their attempts, but if it’s any lower than 1%, for example 0,5% like the headless horseman, then if you’re really unlucky you could need something like 1.000 attempts and will need another year to finish it, which isn’t ideal when plenty of people will get it in a year, including rival collectors.

Who is doing 100 toons a day?

Yeah, this method is rubbish, the only good thing is that the quest is shareable so its only a matter of logging in all your alts. They need to develop a better way of obtaining mounts that have an extremely short window such as this one.

The feedback for this type of reward system is consistently negative. However Blizzard seem to be sticking to their guns.

I do not know what the drop rate currently is. Many also don’t like how the best chance is limited to the first character per day and how Blizzard is bad at sharing their loot systems. So people are left guessing if they stand much of a chance for alts etc.


Because people keep doing it.

Why wouldn’t they?

Blizz are so far up their rear end seeing this type of crap as a “good way” of bringing back and retaining players… and worst still they went beyond lazy with it, like wth has a TBC recoloured carpet got to do with Easter?

The concept of “burn out” is too foreign to them. I’ve taken two year long breaks, and I wouldn’t hesitate doing that again at their own loss.


17 kills nothing, another love rocket.

I’d care if it was a duck mount, which would make a lot more sense for the duck themed event.


I’m sad we still don’t have a duck mount.


I guess I am glad that it is a mount I would never, ever want. Even if it was I could never bothered to farm it as other people do. Just seems a bit like madness to me.


I agree.
Another stupid recolor. They could have given some kind of mount instead, which doesn’t exist yet, such a recolored garbage.
And of course you need the rng. Today’s balance is 26/0 for me, I don’t have any more characters for it.
I don’t plan to buy the new expansion either.
The devs give **** to the players.
It takes weeks for the bugs to be fixed despite the ingame suggestion. Some have not been repaired for years.
If something has to be done brainlessly (rhuv, konthrogz rare spawn) then it stays that way, at least people waste their time on it.

There was also a lot of hype towards DF and it turned out to be a boring nothing full of bugs.
The same will happen with WW.
They can’t make a game.

I think this is fine, not sure what the drop rate is but 0/26 is probably too low.

For an optional side event a recolour is fine. First kill of the day should be at least 10% given we have only 8 days to do it.

I’ll probably only kill the guy once a day for the week. If it drops then good, if not meh, it’s a recolour. I have the Flying Carpet from Valsharah paragon chest (didn’t farm it, got lucky).

Never touching rng cosmetics. Just no. This isn’t fun. So many people have spent 10 years grinding mounts that I got out of my first attempt just because rng.

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But the problem here is that there is not only one event with recolor.
By 26/0 I meant that I tried with 26 characters today and there was no mount loot.
I think that is not enough at all.
There are 1-2 people here who think it’s nothing, but you can imagine what their life might be like.

I agree that 25 tries with no result is bad.
I killed it once so far. All I got was an egg and a trinket that started a quest. I’ll see what I get tomorrow but again I’ll only do it once. If I get stuff then good if not meh.

But then you will miss all the new mounts that come :thinking:

Yes, I need another recolor of that turtle. :open_mouth:

:dracthyr_a1: It’s a carpet

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right? really wonder what they are thinking?
You know what even better then a low drop mount people can do once a day, one that you cant LFG for but one you have to fly to a spawn point for then sit around needlessly for it being able to summoned then summon it and then hand in a quest item that then can have the mount…
And to top it of it only a week long unlike love in the air