The Cataclysm Classic Pre-Expansion Patch Goes Live 1 May

The Cataclysm Classic Pre-Expansion Patch Goes Live 1 May

You’ve toppled the undead armies of the Lich King and ended Arthas' reign. Now, Deathwing, The Worldbreaker, bursts from the heart of the Maelstrom, unleashing his rage. All will burn beneath the shadow of his wings. Your new journey begins with the pre-expansion patch — the Shattering of Azeroth— on 1 May and continues with the launch of Cataclysm Classic on 20 May 2024 at 23:00 BST worldwide.

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Ah, not too long for me to wait then. I was sad I got no beta invite thus far but if it is this soon, that’s good.

why changes in the raid lockout system?
Dont wanna go 25 + 10 every week to min/max


coincides with my birthday perfect.


The schedule does not make sense. Original release started with systems patch, then the elemental invasion came which was a prelude for Shattering. And some time after Shattering the Cataclysm was officially released.

All of this lasted for 8 weeks originally. How is this supposed to get squeezed into just 3 weeks? Either we won’t be getting individual phases or everything will be totally rushed.

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As this isn’t the original wow life span you really should re-consider the ‘removed’ content and yes I mean the ZG Raptor.

Its not something that requires any social planning or insane mechanics degrees. You go in with a level 80 and play whack a mole till the mob drops. Its a purely RNG situation and therefore doesn’t break anything by continuing to exists as an RNG situation.

Just add an NPC to the zone who can alter it back to the raid so players can carry on trying to get it.

Just leave that chance in the game, no hand outs, no freebees just the opportunity to try for it.

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Also, will loremaster be account wide, so any progress from any character counts towards it?

they do this ? that would be amazing news since decent discord pugs will stay 25 man then instead downsizing .

if they did that back in original cata then we wouldnt see so many guilds straight going 10 man .

but now this releae schedule makes much more sense . gearing up will be ultra fast with 10 and 25 man being same itlv and effectively 2 loot lockouts per week .

nice :slight_smile:

please please dont change the raid lockout (i know some streamers have a LOT of time) but rest of us dont,

i dont wanna be forced to do both 10 and 25 every week (and i will fall behind if i chose not to)

I didn’t play the cata pre patch before.

Was it any good for levelling?

Not sure that was really a thing then. Just a questline to do with twilight doomsayers but it has been many years. Of course if the shattering happens on the 1st then yes the levelling is much easier up to 60 because of the revamped zones.

Insane removed (isn’t removed on Retail)
Immortal isn’t removed (was removed on Retail)
Undying isn’t removed (was removed on Retail)
Tears isn’t removed (was removed on Retail)
Conqueror isn’t removed (was removed on Retail)
Champion isn’t removed (was removed on Retail)

Ehm, okay? You guys forgot to do your homework.


The Wrath pre-patch was rushed as well…
Since they say we’ll be able to level Wogen and Goblins during the pre-patch, they might go straight to the shattering, skipping the event.
This seems to be the likely scenario based on the article!

I doubt they’ve updated the event to run in the shattered world.

Who knows, maybe they’ve managed to stitch Gilneas and Kezan into the old world, but that seems unlikely as well…

Maybe we’ll be getting a week of elemental fun, then the shattering…

This hasn’t made sense since the roadmap was revealed.

As of now the beta is completely broken and unplayable - in fact, the very first thing you see when starting the client, is a LUA error, even before you get to see the login screen. So how are all the bugs going to be fixed in 3 weeks?

I hope not, patch 4.0.1-4.0.3 was one of the most unique phases in WoW history - old world but on cataclysm classes and systems. Also the event would bring back nostalgia.

If the prepatch starts with the Shattering, then they could bring the event into the WotLK client - but that’d mean it’d run on WotLK systems and classes.

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The current beta build worked fine for a short while, before the servers went offline.
You see lots of lua errors as they’re probably adding more stuff and adjusting it to the new client.

While the bugs we see might feel game breaking, they may not be that complex to fix.
It’s a beta and lots changed in cata that now needs to run on a new client.

The lua error you see when the game starts - at least for me - is:
“Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/Blizzard_SharedXML_Cata.toc:183 Error loading Interface/AddOns/Blizzard_SharedXML/CharacterModelFrameMixin.lua”

.toc files define addons, like their name, their dependencies, what UI version they need and a list of all the .lua/.xml files the addon uses.

It fails loading a .lua file and that could be as simple as the file is missing in this build…
It doesn’t have to be complex to solve.

You can even verify that by loading the game with the -console argument, press the tilde key, write “exportInterfaceFiles code”.
Open the “_ classic_beta _” folder, find the extracted code and look for the file…

What you’ll find is, it doesn’t exist.
That’s why you see this particular error. The file is missing in the current build.

Cata’s NOT classic.

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Every old reboot is called a Classic

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Just unsubbed, was hoping with classic the game would stop making the same mistakes feeding this FOMO psychology. Nothing should be removed or unattainable from the game ever imo, and I won’t play games that do this anymore. It just makes it so unfun.

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Happy Birthday in Advance.

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