5120x2160 resolution support

I would like to know if wow will nicely work on 5120x2160 resolution and I can’t find answer anywhere on forums.

WoW works on ultrawide and super-ultrawide displays without much problems. You will likely want some simple addon to be able to move all side UI elements somewhere closer to the middle though.

That’s cool, currently I’m using ElvUi so I shouldn’t have any problems with moving UI elements.
Thanks for the response.
I’ll give my review how it works on new screen.

Not really, I have CHG90 which is a 32:9 aspect ration and above 21:9 aspect ratio its just stretched, but same view angle as 21:9 so not so much on super-ultra wide

But is actually stretched or display curve effect? There is quite a lot of showcases on YouTube.

But its ether for 5120x1440 or other 49" curved screens with aspect 32:9.
The one I ordered is MSI Prestige PS341WU with 5120x2160 with aspect 21:9 so its much smaller and not curved so we will see.
I didnt find showcases of 5K2K resolution on YouTube.

So this is how it looks on 5K2K. In my opinion its quite nice aspect, I didn’t change much in ElvUi.