Go on a Shopping Spree During the WoW 20th Anniversary Celebration

Go on a Shopping Spree During the WoW 20th Anniversary Celebration

The WoW 20th Anniversary introduces a variety of new activities and ways to earn currency during the event which can be used to purchase myriad items including iconic Tier 2 transmog appearance sets. We’ve consulted top goblins and tallied it all up so that you know how to earn these currencies and where you can spend them.

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So. Many. Currencies!

You know what one of the great things about Mop Remix was? Just one major currency to be able to buy almost all of the items. I get that raid and pvp gear should have a slightly different reward system, but everything else?

Just make one currency and allow us to pick and choose which type of gameplay we want to focus on to earn it.


Someone at Blizzard really likes currencies it seems. I mentioned in another post how many different currencies we have these days, I can’t keep track of which are needed for what and where. :neutral_face:




Lots of currencies lots of time gaty rules.
It’s a shame they go down this path so far.


Time will tell how much of a grind fest this will turn out to be.

Give players a fun event? Na, lets make them grind so make our player count look better.


Stop with this currency fetish …


To be honest between the crests gems rocks gold acuity points shields and whatever else we got now I’m getting a bit tired of this currency simulator


Its very Blizzard to make something what should be a joyous thing feel like a bit of a chore.


To complicated. Pass.


Why does it have to be so complicated?
Everything seems to be getting more complicated and confusing (eg TWW is far more confusing than DF … more fun when you know what you’re doing but I still don’t know what I’m doing/should be doing/essential to be doing in TWW).

My main fun usually in the anniversaries is to do a lot of Korrak’s Revenge as it’s my only way to earn TW currency doing something I enjoy (does it still give me TW badges? it’s unclear).
However, it looks from this as though there are 20 million new things to do on top of the normal TWW stuff … which I’m sure will make most people happy.


Drip feeding us currencies is a great way to lose customers. In the end somewhere halfway into the event they will buff rewards so much that all your previous effort becomes instantly invalidated. Great stuff.

Might as well only resub for the last few weeks of anniversary to save a lot of time and nerves.


It’s 3 currencies that really matters while 2 is new. Don’t be dramatic.

Which is not the point. The point being that it is not necessary.

This is the 20th anniversary celebration. It is supposed to be a party, where everyone is invited, and everyone gets all the cakes. Splitting off items behind different currencies is just tired, old, and tedious.

This is supposed to be a celebration of playing the game. Only you get gated currencies for playing certain parts of the game. Just have one currency that people can get from playing the game. The bragging rights for this event should be “I was there and got loads of cool stuff from playing the parts of the game that I enjoy”; not “I grinded my behind off in content I hated to get a handful of stuff”. Save the grinds and gating for all the other annual holiday events.


If its not the point then why bring it up? 5 of them are old and mostly irrelevant (except TW badges) to the actual event.

  • Relic Coffer relics = new and only relevant to the raid
  • Bronze = new currency for the new stuff
  • TW badges - old and for the old and some new things
  • Marks of Honor = old and only pvp related
  • Pet Charms = old and only pet related
  • Gold = not important
  • Ancient mana = old and really not relevant other than 1-2 items from Legion

It’s the 20th anniversary of an mmo. Having to do stuff to get stuff is expected. Wanting to get everything handed to you by saying “everyone gets the cakes” means you don’t want to do anything. Or at least do the absolute bare minimum because “its not fun”. And if they did, you’d hear how “boring” and “nothing to do” this event will turn out to be. I mean, people complained having to do a LFR version of some old bosses to get a mount from a previous anniversary saying “its too much”. Blizzard could literally give out everything for free and people would complain. Actually playing the game seems to be a negative with the WoW community.

And of course, i can see how people feel overwhelmed by this. But we don’t even know how bad or tedious this grind will be. But i’m sure its not a spend the literal entire day for 1 activity like some people think it will be. Slowing down the acquisition at the start doesn’t really surprise me. Blizzard seems to not want people to do everything within the first days. People want to do that, sure. But it’s Blizz decision and people just don’t have to participate if they don’t like it. Or wait until they eventually increase it.

People are just being overly dramatic as usual.

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Please stop with this currency madness and overcomplicating every aspect of game


you dont play mobile phone games do you ?

they clearly recuiting young devs from that enviroments.

because it just works.

Seems grindy for the sake of it then 3 weeks later not so much… why not just make it not so much from the start?

Also going by the wording alts wont matter here? and you learnt nothing from Remix event…

What do we need the Ancient Mana currency for?

Wouldn’t it be cool if Blizzard implemented a Currency converter for the Celebration? With that i mean a NPC where you can convert old currencies for ones you can use for celebration items. Like 100 Garrison Resources for 1 TW badge or 1 Curious Coin for 1 Bronze. Just pulling some numbers out of a hat as an example.
That way we could also get rid of all our old currencies that have been gathering dust for years.
Or maybe not even a converter but just give everything an old currency price :smiley: