I play feral and I have some issues with how druid plays right now.
Hero Talents
With the introduction of hero talents some new interactions were introduced. For feral we got two Hero Specs which have little interaction or change in how we play. Druid of the Claw(DotC) is an auto attack RNG proc, with an animation I have yet to notice without looking for it. It’s just another couple of red lines on the cluttered screen. No big scythe, no horsemen, or any other ways to make it feel impactful.
It being RNG also makes the impact diminished.
Wildstalker has some interaction but now on top of already having to keep track of bleed buffs (tiger’s fury and bloodtalons etc.) we now have to tab target around to find a target which we can bite.
The cross interaction between restoration and guardian is not noticed at all imo. No one uses Wildpower Surge and for it to be easier to use we need fluid form which is just talent bloat.
Many Low Impact Talents
If we compare the class tree talents to other classes, it feels like others have more talents which give a bigger impact. With the current 4% stamina talent we now at least have some ways to increase HP of our characters without going into bear form.
Death Knights get 20% stamina from Veteran of the Third War which is 1 talent point, Retribution Paladins get 10% stamina, 6% AoE dmg reduction and 20% armor by investing 2 talent points. Many other classes might not get exactly that level of impact but for Druids it’s especially low. 4% stamina 1 talent point, 4% dmg reduction another talent point.
Many of our defensive talents are something that does not reduce incoming damage but rather increases the healing received. This just makes healers see our health dip and panic, which makes us have to either be topped off completely if a big chunk of damage is imminent, must use a defensive or go into bear form. I’ll come back to bear form.
For bark skin to match somewhat with something like Astral shift, you need 3 talent points.
Coupled with our class tree having so many basic skill talents it feels bloated without giving much impact. We still have to pick skills that we can’t use in cat form to get to talents which we need. Rejuvenation heals for so little that it’s just a dead talent, same goes for Wild Growth but atleast we can path around these if we pick Frenzied Regen.
Frenzied Regen is also annoying as a feral player. 30 seconds cooldown, costs 40 energy so you can’t just press the button, requires you to talent both DotC and pick it in the class tree.
Perfectly-Honed Instincts triggers only every 120/90 sec and heals 24% of our health over 3 seconds, while retribution can get an automatic instant Word of Glory cast in them selves at 60% effect every 60 sec. So another 2 talents points for this.
High Cognitive Load, Low Reward
For most people to play feral optimally we need addons to tell us which of our bleeds were buffed and by how much. You could pick talents that unload this but then you just accept doing less damage. And even with doing all of this we are not rewarded with higher DPS than easier classes that don’t have to set up, do combos or otherwise need to track their debuffs.
Feral is also bloated with buttons. And with all these thing the output is still in the lower half even though we have to track so much and do. 2 single target builders (rake, shred) another in the form of Moonfire if talented. 2 aoe builders. 2 single target spenders, 1 aoe spender in Primal wrath which is need to have bite be an aoe spender. Adaptive swarm, all the utility spells, defensives, having to bind bear form etc.
Hybrid Tax
In order for us to not die from big hits, we often have to resort to bear form. I have just about more health in bear form than a Frost of Unholy Death Knight. So we have to choose, do no damage but reduce damage taken/be able to survive, or pop defensives that others are able to survive without stopping their rotation.
Okay there are talents that give extra health when leaving bear form, but that’s just it. Having to constantly shift to get this bonus is not fun, it’s disruptive. Having to pick SO many talents points for bear form to be good is also detrimental to how the class tree is put together.
It does not feel good going into bear form. In some situations the damage is not a big impact in a low amount of time, but rot damage. And with DPS druids having low damage reduction and low health we either need to spam heal ourselves, have the healer take care of it or sit in bear form doing nothing while others manage this more gracefully with shields, higher health pools, loads of armor by just being plate etc.
Fluid form kind of helps with that, but that’s just another gameplay annoyance that others don’t have. We simply have too many things that have side effects that others don’t have.
I can’t think of a single class with multiple roles that have so many restrictions or hoops to jump through to use their kit.
Dead Ends in the Class Tree
There are 9 talents that do not continue your path in the class tree when picked, not counting the cap stone talents in live. I count 17! in the new talent tree, 13 of which are not in the second to last row of talents. Hunters have 0, monks 0, priests 0, rogues 0, shamans 0, just to mention some of the class trees.
You almost doubled the count of talents that don’t path forward.
Why do druids have so many?
Build a Cooldown
Having to invest so many talent points to make your big cooldown usable while still being mediocre feels bad.
Bad Cap Stone Talents
Fluid form should just be base line. If you want us to shift in and out then these things should be base line and expanded. Guardian don’t even get anything out of it unless they aren’t actively tanking, which is almost never so this talent is just bad.
Heart of the Wild is weird. You suddenly having to start doing the
Nature’s Vigil is alright, but it does not feel like a cap stone.
Balance Form
Just make it baseline. Why is it restricted? No other form has been removed like this where only one spec gets to use it.
All in all, druid have many issues which were not addressed with the current changes in 11.1 PTR and some even got worse like 17 dead ends! No reward for high cognitive, no reward going bear form other than surviving, again you don’t do any DPS, you stop you rotation etc.
Imo. the talent tree needs to be redone from the ground up, not shifting things around, and DPS druid need better tools and rewards, especially feral who have so much more to consider than easier classes who still do way more DPS.