Feedback: Druids

Greetings, Druids.

There are several updates to the Druid Class Tree coming in Season 2. We’d like to share some of the design thinking behind these changes. Overall, our hope for this tree design is that you are able to painlessly take the core abilities and defensives you need for your spec, and that you have some interesting choices you can make with the remaining points, especially in the middle and bottom gates.

Nodes that Don’t Benefit Your Current Specialization
The top feedback we heard on the Druid class tree is that it’s frustrating to take nodes for abilities you never use, or that provide bonuses that don’t benefit you. We have rearranged and redesigned talents so that druids never have to take more than one node that doesn’t benefit them in the normal course of play of their spec, and most druids won’t take any.

As part of making these changes, we’ve changed a number of damage nodes like Instincts of the Claw and added some new ones. We’ve adjusted the balance of several spells and abilities to account for these changes. Overall you shouldn’t see big changes to your spell damage or damage composition in appropriate builds for your spec (with the exception of Restoration - see below).

Utility and Interrupts
We wanted to make it easier for Druids to access important class utility. We’ve made Remove Corruption easier to access for all specs, and moved Skull Bash to make it less expensive for Restoration Druids to reach. Balance Druids can no longer take Skull Bash - instead, Light of the Sun has been moved from their spec tree to Skull Bash’s location in the Class Tree. Fluid Form now also affects Skull Bash, shifting the druid into Cat Form if necessary when they cast it.

Restoration Druid Damage
There are a couple of aspects of Restoration Druid damage that we’re not happy with:

  • It’s demanding to play, requiring Druids maintain magic DoTs and shift in and out of Cat Form while healing.
  • When Restoration Druids take all possible damage talents, they don’t have enough points to invest in defensive talents or useful utility.

We have made some changes in the tree to encourage Restoration Druids to specialize in either physical or magic damage (if they choose to deal damage at all), but not both. The Circle of the Wild / Circle of the Heavens choice node gives a massive 25% bonus to the damage type of their choice. We hope this change frees players up to take more defensive talents and makes the spec easier to learn and pilot for players who are interested in playing it.


What about Wild Growth?
Do you know any feral/boomie that even has this ability on their bars while also being FORCED to take the talent for it ?
And i also wonna ask- will Berserk ever. Ever be a singular talent, and not 4 talents, for which you gotta also waste 2 talent points into [Frantic Momentum] even when you play Bite focused build like Convoke for example ?


My first impression is that the class tree is better, but still not great.

When I did a quick Feral build similar to my Live build I get a net gain of 2 talent points. The 5 points I gained from dropping Rejuvenation, 2x Nurturing Instinct, Rising Light Falling Night and Lore of the Grove (now only 1 point), I had to spend on non-negotiable new damage talents Grevious Wounds, Instincts of the Claw and Circle of the Wild.

The class tree overall still feels very disjointed. A few examples include:

  • Too many mandatory talents that give the illusion of choice
  • Hibernate being stuck behind Remove Corruption while Cyclone/Soothe is a prominent choice node
  • Fluid Form’s placement feels wrong to look at. It feels primarily like a Resto Druid talent but is situated away from the Circle of the Wild/Circle of the Heavens choice node.
  • Movement talents, Defensive talents, and Utility are scattered across the tree. A fairly simple change for symmetry would be to swap Feline Swiftness with the Incapacitating Roar/Mighty Bash choice node on the left side of the tree. This will align it with Forest Walk and Mass Entanglement/Ursoc’s Vortex on the right side of the tree.

The new talent Symbiotic Relationship looks like a poor man’s Dream of Cenarius (WoD talent) made even worse because Feral’s self healing has been utter garbage for numerous expansions.

The new talent Lycara’s Meditation seems lackluster as well. There’s a missed opportunity here linking it with Fluid Form and encouraging power shifting during an encounter. Or even making it a choice node and increasing the duration of the bonus to encourage occasional shapeshifting during combat.

On the plus side, it’s nice to see Gale Winds/Incessant Tempest back as a choice node to improve Typhoon and the passive Aessina’s Renewal is a nice addition.


this sounds more like “i want to pick all the traits at once” rather than an actual issue with the talents to me.

For feral specifically it doesn’t really feel like we are using any different talents than we are currently we are still talenting the exact same thing except with this new talent tree we are using the extra talent points on damage buffs to our damaging abilities which were baseline. This just seems like the tree was specifically made with resto in mind taking these talents and the other specs are just left with no difference. Would have loved to see more ideas for unique talents than just baseline ability buffs.

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Feral Feeback

first things first merge all berserk nodes into 1 please and make more talent choices for feral ingeneral , make predatory swiftness baseline for feral , i still don’t know why is this a talent since this has been part of feral since forever and i think its stupid to have that as talent…

killer instinct and lycara’s teachings should be max and 1 node , i think as a hybrid its stupid to have so many 2 point nodes that are just illusion that you gain something …

tireless energy should be 1 node and maxed out , i feel like every class gets full potential node and ferals get half , bring back stuff like ursocs might , also what i find baffeling that there is a talent that only benefits 2 specs out of 4 and that is Astral influence -.-

just put 5 yard range on abilites and spells like it used to be .

Speaking of adding extra nodes to feral tree , make 1 give extra charge of Survival instincts or make it increase the duration from 6 to 12 seconds , its a 3 min cd with 6 sec duration meanwhile Shamans have almost the same with astral shift but their cd is 1.5 min and it lasts for 12 sec. i prefer being a little bit tanky and having 3min cd i see it being stupid since our regrowth does 0 healing in pvp and pve anyway .

also since you are removing pvp talent king of the jungle , we ferals would also like some new pvp talents , its been ages since we got new pvp talents , i always see mages and rogues get new stuff and ferals legit only got 1 pvp talent that lasted for 1 patch and it got removed . make something like able to cast cyclone or rebirth in cat form , everyone has been asking for it.

New Talent: Lycara’s Meditation – You retain Lycara’s Teachings’ bonus from your most recent form for 5 seconds after shifting out of it.

Can we get a clarification on how this works ? The way it reads, we have 2 options:

  • Going into cat and then shifting back to caster form, we will have lycara with crit for 5 seconds instead of shifting back to haste for caster form.
  • The same, but when going back to caster, we get haste from caster lycara and get 5 seconds of crit on top of that.

The first one is okay, the talent is weird, but sure.
The second one will create a degenerate gameplay of shifting into cat via the kick just to gain crit for 5 seconds. This will be an extremely annoying and horrible gameplay.


Class tree overall looks good, although I really wish you would move Convoke out of the spec trees. For Guardian at least, there isn’t even a point in having Convoke in the there, as you would never take it over Incarnation. One of the most fun abilities you’ve ever made for druid, and I can never use it because it competes with Incarnation…
Maybe put Convoke as a capstone choice in the class tree with Heart of the Wild, although I am not sure how that will affect the other 3 specs.

It’d just become a lock in for every spec and reduce available choice IMO.

Overall, I’m fine with the class tree overhaul, it definitely feels like there’s more choice and we don’t have to take things that are useless to us as much. I do however really wish we had gotten an actual cheat death. There’s even perfect thematic Nine Lives naming potential due to Cat form! Well-Honed Instincts just isn’t really cutting it. A cheat death would also really help our survivability, since iirc Ferals and Balance are like, one of the more frequent to die?

I’m also confused why some abilities for Feral got nerfed, supposedly as an offset to the new throughput nodes… but did we really need those to be a neutral change? Do the devs consider the state of Feral as good right now? I’d rather have just gotten the new talents as a minor buff to our currently subpar performance.

The set bonus is also gross, please change it. I get the thematic of RNG lottery jackpot and whatnot, but it’s just really boring and uninspired. Furthermore - and something that is really important - do Ferocious Bite, Rip, and Primal Wrath remove the entire stack of buffs or just one stack of it? Because if it’s the former, this is going to make your entire rotation feel extremely bad.

Why does our 4pc also require Apex? Can’t it be something not bound to a RNG capstone, and also be something far more interesting like other specs in the game are getting? Because right now, Big Winner doesn’t feel like I’m going to be a big winner at all. If the damage part of it is really strong, that just ties your performance needlessly to a RNG talent which will feel really bad as well, and if the damage part of it is weak, the entire bonus is really weak. This needs to change or have an overhaul.

The Feral changes are just weird. You introduce a talent to buff damage, then you reduce baseline damage so we just walked in a circle, gained nothing and are still not viable in anything or wanted anywhere for any reason. The 4pc set bonus is so atrociously stupid in its design, I’m starting to believe all the spec specific changes were designed by an outdated and broken version of a ChatGPT knockoff from Uzbekistan.

The druid tree itself is fine. No longer we have to spec into spells we can’t even properly use in a way that makes any sense. What an astonishing achievement. I know this class isn’t played much, especially feral, but by god, can we get just one person with a modicum of motivation to actually try and improve something instead of someone who just wants to go back to doing anything else but work on feral? How many half-baked disinterested changes that change nothing do we have to suffer through?


Would love to see more innovated ideas for talents instead of gaving us baseline ability buffs which is boring.
For example i would like a talent that gives us two charges of dash because currently dash is still stuck in classic wow. A 2 min cd 60% movespeed buff is extremtly underwhelming since there has been a severe mobility power creep for other classes 2minutes is too long of a cooldown. To balance it with tigers dash maybe you can make it give dash two charges or tigers dash get a -15 second cooldown.
Matted fur: is an extremly weak talent in fact its a bit of a meme amongst the feral community with how bad it is. Either buff this talent significantly so its acutally useful or remove it and give us a new one.
Symbiotic relationship: sounds good in principle but when you put in the numbers for the dps specs its extremly underwhelming, Lets say im playing feral and regrowth myself for 300k, that bonded partner will recieve 30k healing which is nothing and then i recieve 2400hp from that which is extermly low amount of healing this talent was clearly made for resto and seems completely useless to the other specs.
Lycara’s meditation: This seems like a very problematic talent. Theres been discussion already that with this talent we would be shifting to another form just before using cooldowns to gain the lycara buff which no one wants to do.
Capstone Talents: The capstones for the druid tree are probably the worse in the game fluid form has no business being a capstone since its mostly a quality of life improvement, heart of the wild is only good for 2/4 of the specs having no impact on feral at all apart from defensive uses, And natures vigil since it was nerfed back in dragonflight isn’t powerful enough to warrant being a capstone.
However I am pleased with the positioning of talents and the removable of most 2 point nodes theres definitely a very good base here that just needs some more work on it for it to be perfect.


The thing about weaving melee and spells; it’s not that it is overcomplicated, it just doesn’t feel rewarding.

Two days after patch ships you’ll discover that going heavy cat talents as resto doesn’t function because you aren’t allowed to spend a lot of time outside of spamming Regrowth like a clown.

As for guardian druids, change to layered mane and nerf to augmentation evokers in general will make it much harder to cap Ironfur to reach 85% armor cap.

wtf is the Raze change? Did you not learn the mistake from DF expansion where two spells needed to exist at the same time JUST FOR PRACTICALITY AND COMMON SENSE? What you’re doing again is like restricting warrior from having access to execute as a single target spender and revenge for aoe at the same time, two different buttons.

Understand that multi-form gameplay because it isn’t working and the reason for this is lack of proper tuning.

Switching between cat, bear and moonkin (RETURN PLS) as resto works and feels fluid and while it may appear overwhelming at first, it is not hard to learn catch the rhythm. What would make the gameplay better is stuff like form spenders including starsurge extend your heals over time, even for a tick or two if possible.

For moonkin, cat and bear spells are nothing but bloat. It needs baseline better utility and survivability.

For bear, other spells are nothing but bloat either, except for limited use of resto spells. Druid of the claw feels and looks bad. You’re going to lean hard into lunar end of the spec talent tree so going into feral form for extra damage feels STUPID because all the arcane damage buffs don’t apply outside of your bear form.

Return swarm for resto and make swapping between caster and 3 forms worth while. There was nothing wrong with DOT / HOT gameplay except that all the spell timers simply were too short. If you make it less stressful, it won’t feel overwhelming. Resto simply won’t work as feral leaning exclusive so after the baseline damage nerf you’ll still need to mix in balance caster spells, except you’ll end up doing less damage overall.

The thing about resto is that there is a huge mechanical between disconnect doing damage and healing whereas other classes either build their resource (to spend later on damage or heals) or passively heal BY DOING DAMAGE. Playing this way, sometimes by standing in melee rather than staying behind at a distance is also more mana efficient than simply hardcasting heals, not to mention more engaging and more fun.

The main problem is not druid talent pathing or node positioning, it is absence of proper tuning for off-specialization abilities which are shoved into our face only to create a button bloat and the lack of a general idea how the class gameplay flows during different activities of the game. The devs still don’t realise that going feral into melee range feels more punishing than rewarding because of shifting CGD and because fluid form isn’t baseline and because hots don’t last sufficiently long enough to account for all your possible mistiming, lack of attention and mistakes. If someone messes up I will shift out and start spamming heals only to find myself standing in bad stuff or in mob frontal cast and unfortunately druids do not have a lot of instant healing buttons to get out of this kind of situation because your hot heal modifiers are already rapidly disappearing.

Feral should be and feel more rewarding than attacking as caster, but in practice you won’t be allowed to spend a lot of time in cat form. It is a numbers problem, not complexity. One last thing is that focus regen is weak as resto so staying in cat form exclusively will not suffice. It is still absolutely necessary to shift out and dot with moonfire and sunfire for optimal gameplay, even with your dumb nerf.

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First, happy to see that you guys are working on cleaning up the class tree. Its bad design is really one of Feral’s major pain points.

I will have to take a closer look and play a bit more with the calculator but a few quick things right away.

  • Matted Fur is still useless, this needs a serious buff.
  • (Cosmetic) Moonkin form being still unaccessible for all but Balance druids still sucks massively. I. want. to. flap.
  • Innervate still meh, make it regenerate mana again and/or move it so it does not block the path to Nature’s Vigil.
  • Symbiotic Relationship is a nice idea but not sure if the 10% of what is by now fairly anemic self healing of Feral is really worth it.
  • Fluid form remains a band-aid put on the self-inflicted wound that is shapeshifting on GCD. It is time to remove it from GCD and find a different way to prevent powershifting.
  • Grevious wounds is a weird talent, just buff the damage of Rip, Rake, Thrash and remove the talent. Seems like a very weird filler.
  • Heart of the Wild is still not worthy of being a capstone and should be radially changed.

…oh, and how is Convoke still not in the class tree?

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I have one piece of feedback. PLEASE give us the Crystallized Starlight look (from SoD) as an alternate to Glyph of Stars. It’s so much better.

Make Symbiotic Relationship copy 10% of my healing to the bonded partner and copy 10% of their self-healing to me. This way, if used on a tank, it would actually become a useful buff to Feral’s lacking sustained defensives while also delivering a small boost to the tank’s survivability.

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I play feral and I have some issues with how druid plays right now.

Hero Talents

With the introduction of hero talents some new interactions were introduced. For feral we got two Hero Specs which have little interaction or change in how we play. Druid of the Claw(DotC) is an auto attack RNG proc, with an animation I have yet to notice without looking for it. It’s just another couple of red lines on the cluttered screen. No big scythe, no horsemen, or any other ways to make it feel impactful.

It being RNG also makes the impact diminished.

Wildstalker has some interaction but now on top of already having to keep track of bleed buffs (tiger’s fury and bloodtalons etc.) we now have to tab target around to find a target which we can bite.

The cross interaction between restoration and guardian is not noticed at all imo. No one uses Wildpower Surge and for it to be easier to use we need fluid form which is just talent bloat.

Many Low Impact Talents

If we compare the class tree talents to other classes, it feels like others have more talents which give a bigger impact. With the current 4% stamina talent we now at least have some ways to increase HP of our characters without going into bear form.

Death Knights get 20% stamina from Veteran of the Third War which is 1 talent point, Retribution Paladins get 10% stamina, 6% AoE dmg reduction and 20% armor by investing 2 talent points. Many other classes might not get exactly that level of impact but for Druids it’s especially low. 4% stamina 1 talent point, 4% dmg reduction another talent point.

Many of our defensive talents are something that does not reduce incoming damage but rather increases the healing received. This just makes healers see our health dip and panic, which makes us have to either be topped off completely if a big chunk of damage is imminent, must use a defensive or go into bear form. I’ll come back to bear form.

For bark skin to match somewhat with something like Astral shift, you need 3 talent points.

Coupled with our class tree having so many basic skill talents it feels bloated without giving much impact. We still have to pick skills that we can’t use in cat form to get to talents which we need. Rejuvenation heals for so little that it’s just a dead talent, same goes for Wild Growth but atleast we can path around these if we pick Frenzied Regen.

Frenzied Regen is also annoying as a feral player. 30 seconds cooldown, costs 40 energy so you can’t just press the button, requires you to talent both DotC and pick it in the class tree.

Perfectly-Honed Instincts triggers only every 120/90 sec and heals 24% of our health over 3 seconds, while retribution can get an automatic instant Word of Glory cast in them selves at 60% effect every 60 sec. So another 2 talents points for this.

High Cognitive Load, Low Reward

For most people to play feral optimally we need addons to tell us which of our bleeds were buffed and by how much. You could pick talents that unload this but then you just accept doing less damage. And even with doing all of this we are not rewarded with higher DPS than easier classes that don’t have to set up, do combos or otherwise need to track their debuffs.

Feral is also bloated with buttons. And with all these thing the output is still in the lower half even though we have to track so much and do. 2 single target builders (rake, shred) another in the form of Moonfire if talented. 2 aoe builders. 2 single target spenders, 1 aoe spender in Primal wrath which is need to have bite be an aoe spender. Adaptive swarm, all the utility spells, defensives, having to bind bear form etc.

Hybrid Tax

In order for us to not die from big hits, we often have to resort to bear form. I have just about more health in bear form than a Frost of Unholy Death Knight. So we have to choose, do no damage but reduce damage taken/be able to survive, or pop defensives that others are able to survive without stopping their rotation.

Okay there are talents that give extra health when leaving bear form, but that’s just it. Having to constantly shift to get this bonus is not fun, it’s disruptive. Having to pick SO many talents points for bear form to be good is also detrimental to how the class tree is put together.

It does not feel good going into bear form. In some situations the damage is not a big impact in a low amount of time, but rot damage. And with DPS druids having low damage reduction and low health we either need to spam heal ourselves, have the healer take care of it or sit in bear form doing nothing while others manage this more gracefully with shields, higher health pools, loads of armor by just being plate etc.

Fluid form kind of helps with that, but that’s just another gameplay annoyance that others don’t have. We simply have too many things that have side effects that others don’t have.

I can’t think of a single class with multiple roles that have so many restrictions or hoops to jump through to use their kit.

Dead Ends in the Class Tree

There are 9 talents that do not continue your path in the class tree when picked, not counting the cap stone talents in live. I count 17! in the new talent tree, 13 of which are not in the second to last row of talents. Hunters have 0, monks 0, priests 0, rogues 0, shamans 0, just to mention some of the class trees.

You almost doubled the count of talents that don’t path forward.

Why do druids have so many?

Build a Cooldown

Having to invest so many talent points to make your big cooldown usable while still being mediocre feels bad.

Bad Cap Stone Talents

Fluid form should just be base line. If you want us to shift in and out then these things should be base line and expanded. Guardian don’t even get anything out of it unless they aren’t actively tanking, which is almost never so this talent is just bad.

Heart of the Wild is weird. You suddenly having to start doing the

Nature’s Vigil is alright, but it does not feel like a cap stone.

Balance Form

Just make it baseline. Why is it restricted? No other form has been removed like this where only one spec gets to use it.

All in all, druid have many issues which were not addressed with the current changes in 11.1 PTR and some even got worse like 17 dead ends! No reward for high cognitive, no reward going bear form other than surviving, again you don’t do any DPS, you stop you rotation etc.
Imo. the talent tree needs to be redone from the ground up, not shifting things around, and DPS druid need better tools and rewards, especially feral who have so much more to consider than easier classes who still do way more DPS.


Since I read this suggestion somewhere in the US forum (can’t remember where, sorry, so no credit) - why not replace Symbiotic Relationship, which is a bit lackluster, with the Kyrian covenant ability Kindred Spirits ? This ability was actually quite nice, but stood always in the shadow of Convoke the Spirits which was just so much better.

But Kindred Spirits at least was a true Druid ability, with different benefits for different specs.

/E: Or, come to think of it, just throw out Heart of the Wild and replace it with Kindred Spirits. Although that would probably annoy our fellow Bears and Trees…

I’m really thankful for the new class tree. Compared to the old one, it is much much better. For the first time, I feel like that’s something we can work with. Our class tree is now officially out of Dragonflight beta state. So I really hope you won’t stop working on this tree and just call it a day.
Though, there are still several problems I have with this new tree.

The first four rows of the tree are really boring. 6 out of the 8 required points are basically set because they add damage or survivability. Then you have to waste 1 point on Frenzied regeneration (needs to be added on fluid form) or Rejuvenation (needs to be buffed by like 500% for non-resto druids) to access the mandatory survivability talents, leaving you with one point to spend on Remove corruption because that’s the only talent left that’s at least sometimes useful. If you don’t need Remove corruption, you still have to take the talent, just so you can get to the fifth row. This is basically the same for all specs, except resto. There’s just no flexiblity there and it feels even worse for cats and moonkins because you have to waste 1 point on a talent you will never use.

As a balance druid, I am really sad that I don’t get to pick Skull bash, now that it is finally included in Fluid form. I would have loved to finally have a useful interrupt. Solar beam is still a horrendous ability, because its radius is far too small for such a long cooldown and you never know which mobs will actually be silenced by it, if any. It would help a lot, if Light of the sun just changed Solar beam to a single target interrupt on a regular 24 or 30 sec cd.

I think it’s a good idea to put Soothe and Cyclone on a choice node. This choice node is still in a weird place, though. Both abilities are highly situational, but I still have to take one of them to access the middle row below. I feel like Typhoon, Mass entanglement/Ursol’s vortex or even Feline swiftness would be much better choices for such a central position. Just put it to the side of the tree, so we can pick it up when we actually need it.

I am quite confused by the addition of Symbiotic relationship. In this form, it will only ever be useful to resto because our off-spec healing capability is basically non-existent. On a side note, the whole tree still feels like it was created with resto in mind and then a few changes were made to serve the other three specs. A lot of the talents still feel pretty useless for every spec except resto.

A prime example of this is Heart of the wild. This talent screams druid, but in reality only resto druids ever make use of it. It is simply not a worty capstone talent because of its extremely long cd. Please just give us Call of the elder druid from the resto tree and put Heart of the wild in the resto tree. No spec except resto will ever need the effects of heart of the wild for more than 15 seconds.

The new talent Lycara’s meditation is extremely weird. It sounds fun in theory, but not so much in practice. I don’t want to have to change to cat or humanoid form before popping my cd’s to get the extra haste or crit. An even worse version would be a cancelform - cast wrath/starfire macro to get the extra haste before every wrath/startfire. With fluid form, this is currently possible on the ptr without losing any gcd’s. This talent will either regularly make me shift in and out of my main form (quite annoying to be honest) or be completely useless for every spec except resto (again). It definitely needs to be changed.

And finally, please give us back moonkin form as a baseline ability learnt at level 10 or even level 5 (same as cat form). People want to flap, wild charge, convoke, and dance. You could even add to that. Give us things we only have in moonkin form, like magic damage reduction, an owl screech cc ability like stampeding and incapacitating roar or something like that. That would add to the druid fantasy of shifting forms, depending on the situation.


they probably used ChatGpt im not even kidding

they will put our feedback in the Chatgpt container and throw it together until they make 8/10 people happy.

also most of the healing spells in the normal druid tree are wasted talent points, because healing on feral/balance feels bad

instead of having it still in the normal class tree u guys can move it directly to Resto druid, or buff hybrid healing to make it worth

current Feral Problem

like other peoples already mentioned can u guys change Pls the current Berserk choice nodes? why do we have to spend so many Talent points to make our burst Worth/viable? half of the feral tree are just Berserk Modifier talents what buffs our Berserk, and makes us useless outside of Berserk.


Raze had apparently received a quality of life upgrade so now both offensive rage spenders are made into a single button - and damage done is greatly increased if the ability hits only one target.

Would be nice if something were done about its animation an spell graphic. Honestly it looks more like a level 1 ability than a talent at the bottom of talent tree. In other words, complete garbage unworthy of an apex predator. Raze animations are also broken during movement and they resemble nothing more than an autoattack hit. The three small lines which appear during the attack don’t seem appropriate.

Could we expect something for Swipe and Thrash as well? Like how much work would it be if one aoe attack hit with a left paw of the bear or cat form, and other one with the right for some flavor and diversity so they BOTH DON’T HIT WITH RIGHT? A colour change perhaps? Anything would be good.

Ironfur could use some graphical improvements as well because orbs floating around the character aren’t exactly very helpful, but most of all the number of armor stacks is hard to count properly so the “indicator” serves no practical porpose. Yea all of this can be fixed with addons but there’s no reason why the devs couldn’t try harder.

Incapacitating Roar is still mostly useless even with the increased damage threshold for the effect to break early. It needs to ignore bleeds and arcane dot and behave like DK and Paladin blinds so it lasts full 3 seconds or until you hit the target with direct ability damage or an autoattack swing. I may be wrong here but some time in the past there was a text that a specific type of spell family wouldn’t break the ability early.

Aternatively a short duration spell family lockout would be just as good because currently the disorient breaks 0.00001s after use from all the passive damage and the mobs instantly start casting once again. Silenced mobs can still hit you in melee so it wouldn’t be a big deal.

I would like to close with the awkwardness of Ursol’s Vortex + Typhoon combo as a tank. A simple knock-up effect like the new variant of hunter’s explosive trap seems like just the thing tank druids could use. Other tanks can somewhat reliable aoe interrupt or stunlock a group of casters but guardian druid is by far the worst in this situation.

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