The War Within Season 2 is Now Live!

The War Within Season 2 is Now Live!

Take on all new challenges in The War Within Season 2 with a new raid, new Delves, an updated rotation of challenging Mythic+ dungeons, and a new PvP season. This season also features familiar exclusive rewards such as the Ahead of the Curve and Cutting Edge achievements for raids, Keystone Master achievements, rewards for Mythic+, and Gladiator rewards for PvP.

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I feel this will be the least played patch in wow since SL 9.1

Nobody I know is even playing wow anymore they’ve all moved on. S1 took so long .

Anyways be interesting to see the raid and key logs for S2. Going to imagine for most it’s rush to ksm and curve then unsub.


So you and 5 of your friends in dead guild you are all playing ? :smiley:


lol I don’t play on this dead realm anymore.

I play on Draenor and Argent Dawn , but nice try

Where did I mention your realm? I said you and your five friends in a dead guild. Realm doesn’t matter.


It’s a fair concern though. I mean, the current in-game player activity is low. There’s always a resurgence of returning players in the wake of a new patch, but it’s not everyone who comes back. And given that this is a mid-expansion patch and it has a relatively low profile, it’s not certain that the resurgence will be as big as otherwise expected. And considering that WoW goes into this patch from a low-point in player activity, it’s not inconsequential if people don’t come back in droves.


Yes yes yes. The world is ending. We got a few days to live. Lets all run to the shelters and await the apocalypse.

Here. Done. Said it.

Now scury away Doomyboy, and let the people who want to have fun, have fun.


I said it was a fair concern. I’m not doomsaying, am I?
It’s a fair concern because WoW is an MMORPG that thrives when lots of people play it. It is a game that increasingly relies on group content and queue systems that is heavily dependent on high concurrent player activity to function.
In that regard it is concerning if the players don’t show up when WoW struts all its feathers, because that puts it in a potentially worse situation further down the line.
I mean, it’s been Blizzard’s own pitch for a while now that the game doesn’t have 12 million players anymore, but it has high retention.
And that pitch is certainly being put to the test when the game has to go from a very low to a very high within the next few weeks.
That’s not dooming, that’s just looking at the outlook with some fair concern.


For you, everything is a “concern”. So yeah. You can look at the outlook but I doubt it goes anywhere near “fair” more like looking for any rainy cloud you can find…

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I said it was a fair concern in response to the initial poster who expressed a feeling of lack of interest from his own circle of players.
And I can see why he would have that feeling, hence why I said it was a fair concern in response to another poster trying to dismiss it.
And then your input is to be annoyed about my posting, yet feeling compelled to engage with it regardless, instead of just ignoring it and moving on. Forgive me for saying it, but I couldn’t care less. I’m not sure why you engage with my posting just to point out you don’t like it. That’s a you problem.


And and the patch is not even out yet and you want to encourage this doom&glooming.

Feelings mutual. :heart:

Somebody has to oppose the “everything is bad and hopeless” mentality on the forums. :slight_smile:

I haven’t encouraged anything. I have backed another poster up in what they have expressed because it struck me as reasonable. That is what this discussion forum is for. You just have to tolerate that, and if you can’t, then you can move on.

“Now that we know who you are, I know who I am.”

Lovely movie.


TBF, your approach is quiet intense for someone backing up a fellow poster, I also agree with him, IDK what kind of gameplay you do in wow, probably fishing or just socializing, or farming and selling on AH, but for the competitive mode of the game, low level of activity means less queues, less gameplay, less fun… do I want to carry on?

I find his concern even if you think it is negative is much more benefiting to the developer rather than “omg cant wait to see what I can fish in the next patch”, he might not have friends that play the game and depends on the players activity level, or he might be new and lets face it, new players do not get into any group. you might be doing high end modes of wow but you have friends and a guild.

I find his concern much beneficial to the game than your support.

Now scurry away fishtrader, and let people that are concerned raise their concern for the benefit of the game.


You are right about that. Less “forum entertainment”. No worries, I have rested my case with Jito already, so feel free to whine…oh sorry “raise concerns” away. I wont try to stop it anymore. :popcorn: :seat:

goooood lad

Retail’s content is hust rehashed, thrown together, hope it sticks to the wall kinda thing.

Go farm your reskinned/recolored mounts, through the same dungeons you already did last season, oh but this time you’ll get some badly scaled out of older expansions that need retuning a few times!

Your gear becomes obsolete, so you can go farm the SAME gear with a higher stat stick.

Go, back into the hamster wheel. And don’t forget, their main income are microtransactions. They make more money releasing a store mount than from expansions, which results in them being barebones.


For me, retail WoW is all about raids and M+ and in that regard season 2 looks and sounds very promising. A lot of my guild mates played a lot less this season because M+ was too brutal, but with season 2 supposedly having a smoother difficulty progression, I hope it would scare people away.

Seems like a fine patch to me. I don’t get all the gloom and doom, all the people I know are just taking a break and will be back on 26th. If anything, a couple months of break after getting whatever goals done for the patch is perfectly normal.


5th of march
then another 6 months for the next patch would put it around august / september
for season 3
then 6 months for that patch march next year

i dont get how they can fit in midnight expac this year tbh

( if we are supposed to get equal lengths in patchs )

the only realistic way is if they reduce the seasons to 3months

Yet it has just as much or more to do in this expansion than any other patch before it. Huh, look at that.

None of the last season’s dungeons return. Can you even read?

That’s… What season means. Resetting progression.

Some people enjoy this game, you know. You are obviously not one of them, don’t pretend you ever were.