Undermine(d) Update Notes

Undermine(d) Update Notes

The Undermine(d) update is now live!

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Thx for having enha 1 good season since legion, see ya again in 10 years.

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next one is in da bag
the only 3 characters that im playing are going to be good

Honestly looking forward to this Goblin themed patch.


you know what was in my mind when my friend said cars are coming in the next major update?
i was thinking we can go with it the long long road in Hyjal race there or using it in all maps.
and you can hit other players with it in warmode on.
or a new brand of BG that people can fight with cars in it

Goblin’s aesthetic patch.

But, still pray give for our TINKER class. Goblin and gnome could pleased


Buffed frost DK damage but slightly nerfed survivability… I can unlive with this.

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Brann is getting one.

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The priest changes look excruciating.

We’ve changed “x” to “shinysholylightwithaneedlesslycomplicatedname” - we noticed nobody ever presses the button so we’ve increased its cast time from 2 sec to 2.5 sec.


Oct 8 2024 - Acid rain damage reduced by 25%
These patch notes - Acid rain damage increased by 25%

^^ Pretty much your balance changes in a nutshell. Throw numbers at a dartboard, thats if you spend that much effort on it. Absolutely laughable.


Since he become tank. Use gun with shield? :laughing:

Since crests are seasonal currency, can we please to have universal non-thematic naming scheme as sometimes is confusing especially when converting at npc?
Bronze, silver, gold, platinum will do.


I would prefer us just having valorstones and in a lower number. I don’t understand why we need so many different types of currency.


You get valorstones from all kinds of content, while crests are difficulty tied.


Just give us crests then and yes I like the idea of them just being bronze/silver/gold/platinum.


Holy Priest

  • Developers’ notes: We’re aiming to provide a better experience when using Divine Hymn while pulling back on the number of raid cooldowns available to the specialization. We’re also doing some consolidation in the tree by removing Circle of Healing and adding more interactions with Prayer of Healing. Finally, we’re looking to provide options for a gameplay style centered around Renew uptime in addition to existing playstyles.

You have failed before the season even starts. Prayer of Healing is useless garbage in m+, so is renew as well as Prayer of Mending and a lot of talents tied to it. Holy Priests remains the worst m+ healer unviable in high keys and having 0 advantages over other healers, with holy spells like Renew and Flash of Heal doing more healing in Discpline spec than in Holy spec.

Incompetent healing tuning overall, especially in regards to holy priests and holy paladins.


Have you tried it on the PTR? There are so many changes to hpriest that I find it very difficult to judge how it’ll work out, I’m curious how priests are finding the rework after testing. The talents sound interesting, I think I’ll run into the issue of not having enough talent points and some heals still feeling gimped as hell as a result :wink:

If you play holy priest in any meaningful manner (which I do), it is enough just by looking at those changes to see, that they’re either lackluster or misguided entirely.

The feedback of Automatic Jack as well as some dedicated holy priest players who have played PTR extensively confirms it.

What talents do you find interesting? Perhaps Divine service that increases Prayer of Mending (incredibly weak spell) healing by 4%? Or maybe “Say your Prayers” that gives 15% for prayer of mending to not consume charge? Both of these talents have around 0.001% effectiveness on our m+ healing.

Or maybe you like Empowered Renew that will now instead of healing your tank for 2% of its health over 12 seconds will be healing for a whooping 3.2%?

Or maybe you’re excited that Restitution now shares node with Guardian Angel, making essentially a dead locked talent because we’re now asked give up on our only utility spell for mediocre self rezz option?

These changes are so bad and / or weak, you do not even need to play PTR to see it.

But for your information PTR testing confirms all of this.

Honestly well done blizzard. The Delve scene is looking ike it’s gonna be really fun, I can honestly say I’m really happy with that feature, the raid although not my favourite aesthetic, I like since it looks like its gonna be fun, sets look nice imo.

Well done.

I’m really sorry to hear that, it’s such a lovely spec and it’s a disappointment it’ll still feel so lackluster :confused:

I also don’t like them removing Ancestral Guidance in general. Use in combination with Ascendance as an excuse? They are 2 separate CDs, so I never combine these type of CDs…