5/8M Ranged DD LF Mythic Raid Guild

Hey, I’m looking for an active raid guild, particular for season 2 and onwards.

Current tier I have 5/8M clear experience.

I did raid as Warlock most of the season but would prefer to play mage in season 2.
Both characters are around 639ilvl atm. Ultimately it comes down to roster needs.

Best case scenario would be 2 raid nights. Some focus on (internal) M+ runs would be a plus.

Since I’m pretty busy with boring adult stuff (I’m in my early 40s), I would prefer a mid-core approach with the goal of clearing 50%-80% on mythic. CE isn’t my goal.

If this sounds even remotely interesting to you, feel free to find me on bnet Ryujin#22134 and we can work out the details in private.

I’ve popped you an add :slight_smile:

Ty will reply in no time!

Still open for talks.

Still looking for a suitable guild Season 2 onwards.

Hey Riujin!

I feel like we could be a pretty good fit for you, our main focus is AotC and moving into some early mythic bosses :+1:

Check out our recruitment post if you feel like it Timeskip
Heres a TLDR:

  • 2 Raids per week Wednesday/Monday 20:00-23:00 Server time.
  • Currently recruiting a variety of classes / specs right now and always open to classes not listed.
  • 3/8M (AotC) We are still building our team for mythic.

Feel free to message me on Discord or Bnet :slight_smile:

Disc: volto._.
Bnet: Volto#21126