590 Monk LF Normal/Heroic/AOTC Guild


Looking for a guild again, because the guild i joined didnt actually have a raid team. Fun.

Pugged normal and killed all bosses except 2. Logged 4 of them if you want to see them but the parses are between 70-90 ilvl % depending on the fight.

Swedish 30/male
Looking to manily DPS, could tank. Willing to learn healer if its a must.
Looking to do a bunch of M+ aswell as a tank.

Hoping to get Heroic done and then just take it from there.

Can contact me here:

BNET: Bellerofon#2642
Discord: istfire - using the name stuff.

Hi Nollfakulet

Were a Guild on Ravenscrest, We Raid 2 nights a week Wednesday and Sunday.
We clear Heroic each Tier.
We don’t normally touch Mythic Raids.
Mature players in the guild/Raid Team.
Very Chill atmosphere.
M+ Nights Plenty of players on to join in things.
If you wish to ask me more just get in touch Shedwise#2192