Hey all, I was just wondering how long the 6 month sub and mount offer is running for. Is it open ended or does it have a promo end date?.
Many thanks
Hey all, I was just wondering how long the 6 month sub and mount offer is running for. Is it open ended or does it have a promo end date?.
Many thanks
I’m going to make a wild guess and say… 6 months.
Usually runs for a few months, until the next one comes along which can be anything from 4 to 6 months time, the last one was the wen lo mount which was for the Chinese New year in February.
If I was going to have a guess I’d say the next one would be somewhere around late November/early December though.
If you really want the mount but aren’t planning on playing for the next 6 months you can always buy it with gold from the store after the offer ends though.
The site says it has to be redeemed by 31st December 2022. After that, probably only by purchasing separately within the shop.
Do you have to redeem it? I have an active 6 months sub but I didn’t get the mount yet.
There should be a Gift icon on the Bnet app as per below.
You click the icon and then you can claim it
It will then shortly after be delivered into your mount collection as a wrapped present.
Oh yes, it was there. I was looking in my account settings in the Battle.net site, not the app. Thanks!
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