6 months later : Corruptions are still 40% of damage dealt in arena

could have atleast kept the corruption visual in the game so I can look corrupted

I donā€™t want anything to be rushed either :slight_smile:

I am in no hurry to have pre-patch just that in pre-patch it will be heavenly corruption free :+1:t3:

Yes, because thatā€™s how it always is. You need different gear/ secondary stats / trinkets for Pvp and Pve. Why would that suddenly be a problem now?

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Most of your posts are nothing about, but qq and trashing the game, without giving actual feedback about a problem.

Why do you even play/pay for it?

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I like the idea which was corruptions, the execution was bad (mostly for the players who are behind / on catch up.) but isnā€™t that always the case :rofl:

rushed pre patch dont mean Shadowlands would be rushed xD if anything just means weā€™d be in prepatch longer.

This is a mute point. You already need two sets of gear because the corruption you need for your raid and mythic+ is not the same as you need for PvP.

Whining and crying about something is an important part of a healthy life.

Dont you QQ at least 5 times a day and whine your heart out before going to sleep?

You donā€™t?
What is this sorcery?!

I noticed this too. Complaining isnā€™t a bad thing but would be nice to see suggestions of how it could have been better (granted, nothing will happen now but itā€™d create discussion).

Itā€™s going to be so weird and yet so good at the same time! :heart: Iā€™m looking forward to having a period of time without borrowed power but, instead, relying on my own decisions and skill set.

Every expansion launch you get the same people who suddenly appear in the World to try and create negativity on the game its happened every Expansion so farā€¦ this is just likely another character doing the same people

People like to beleive theyā€™re actually getting people to unsub from the game

let me rephrase.
2 sets of pve and 1 for pvp.
2 sets because you need 1 with corruption for nyalotha (until we get better in new expansion), because corruption increase the damage by ALOT, and 1 for everything else (pve) and another for pvp.

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