6 players returning, lf guild

Heyo! We’re buddies who’s played since forever and we’re now looking for a guild to join next season.

We have experience from both mythic and heroic, but we’re looking at a semi casual guild, mostly due to parenthood and/or jobs.

Who are we and what are our classes?
We are Swedish!
Our current main specs are:
Balance Druid
BM Hunter
Shaman (heal in m+ unsure in raid)
Demon Hunter (tank in m+ unsure in raid)
Paladin (heal in raid, ret in m+)

What are we looking for?
As said semi casual guild, we want to progress in raids but also do lots of m+.
We prefer 2 raids a week and not starting after 20.00 eu central time. So preferably 20-22 or 19-21/22.
21 raid start is max limit.

Write here or in-game for questions!


Hi Tyze! My guild Thunderbluff Steakhouse is currently recruiting, we are all in the same boat with jobs and kiddos, and would love to have you as we are rebuilding to have mythic teams and a raid team for the new patch.

We are based in the UK so raid times will line up well with your preferred timings, and we also do regular transmog and achievement runs. We currently help to level alts also so if you have any classes you never found the time to play before you can try them out with us if you would like :slight_smile:

Please feel free to poke me or any of our members in game and we will pop you an invite if you are interested!

Hi there! I’m recruiting for my Casual & Social focused Weekend Raiding guild and your group would be a great addition to our budding guild!

Our Guild Recruitment Post - Innocuous

Just a headliner/quick tldr:
We’re a newly formed Casual weekend raiding guild with the goal to easily clear AOTC content on mains also maybe alts each season, and doing other content together as well such as M+ pushing, Legacy mog runs, Achievement Runs, etc.

We’re looking to round out the final few spots on our core team for heroic raiding, multiple roles.

If this is of interest to you, please feel free to add me in-game - Sykretts / Ryznshyn

Discord - sykretts
Bnet - Sykretts#1919

Hey! Thanks for showing interest, however my friends weren’t too keen on weekend raids :confused:

Hey! I added you in game, waiting to get in touch with you online :grin: if we miss each other, when do you guys raid?

Hi Tyze! We are currently looking at raiding on weekdays that best suit people’s work schedules, as we do have kiddos weekend raiding isn’t ideal, but most likely we will be looking at Monday’s and Fridays between 20:00 and 23:00 (finish time depending on who has to work the next day lol)

We’re a new guild, but we could be what you;'re after, I literally set it up because of family and work commitments making it hard to find somewhere else :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: