60 Warrior Tank configuration

Hi there!

One of my targets for HC is to level up a Warrior and play as tank.
Surelely I’m not the best tank ever, but I have doubts around the setup of the tank (talents) and their worth.


Well, as you all may know, there’re are two (2) Warrior-Tank setups once you raise level 60:

About PvP gear

In the HC servers, as there’s no PvP, it seems to me that r14 aggro-differences by the gear won’t be a matter.

About World Buffs

World Buffs in HC is still a think … and surelely people will try to hunt them.


Will find ourselves in a SoM Scenario where both setups are practical but will deeply rely on the gear of your raid?

What do you think?

From experience of actually having tanked as a warrior during classic, the old deep prot spec will be a lot safer for both you and the rest of the raid everyone else will just have to watch their threat a dead boss is a dead boss even if the fight take slightly longer

Edit: You will also be able to spec into deep wounds and drop points in both cruelty and improved HS as we dont have a debuff cap in HC, its not something you will find a guide for but early on it could be viable while not making you drop as many points from prot as fury prot would make you do

I think you can start worrying about this once you hit 60 on your HC char. which will be in a few months or - most likely - never


First of all worry about this at 60 as the above poster said. But broadly speaking, there aren’t any tight dps races in Classic until Patchwerk, and maybe a couple super elite no life guilds will ever even attempt Naxx anyway.
So go prot with deep wounds as Cupid said and gear for pure survivability, you can bet your last dime all damage dealers will play with their eyes totally glued to threat meters, completely ignoring dps.
If I ever limp my way to 60, I’m playing deep frost with 2 ice blocks and a barrier and never so much as looking at the mob until the tank has had like 5 GCDs at it.

The story will go as its always gone. Dps dies to overaggro and die. It doesnt matter if its hc because the mentality of people is to think about consequences after when its to late.

Dps dies until death to overaggro and die to the point of actually being dead because they got killed. To death. Until they die. Ded. Kaput. Finito. Mort.

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I deserved that one rofl

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btw how does Valestrasz (sp) - BWL 2nd boss - work on HC?

I don’t think it is fixed in any way, it literally just perma gibs 3-4 players from your raid. Even gaddon bombs must be pretty spicy on a fresh char. I bet the team that cleared MC all drank fire pots there and had several healers juat on bombs to top them up in the air.

use the fact that you have the debuff to use your HS the debuff falls off in capitals and you just loose out on loot

found my answer. Vael buff makes everything instant, including HS

I thought that was common knowledge, did that when it was current content in classic to not lose world buffs

Since I asked for it, I clearly did not know it. If i did not know it, it is not common in the definition of “everyone knows it” :slight_smile:

Well I did also reply with it 12 days ago but had forgotten that I had said it xD

Can’t you just slow fall shortly before landing?and yea pots are a must

As a Mage you can do great many things to mitigate it, ice block, fire ward, blink, slowfall. Some other classes, not so much.

I mean that mage or priest can slow fall/levitate the guy who got knocked up before he lands. I know it’s difficult for classic andys but still

You can only cast slowfall and levitate on yourself

Pretty sure that you can cast Slowfall on others.

You can LIP before impact