A bit about me.
Hi, I’m jay, a returning player looking for a guild I can call home hopefully for a long while. I’m a dad with a 6 year old and i’m thankful and lucky to play most evenings once my daughter is in bed. Because of my limited play time, i’m extremely conscious of making the most of my time, therefore punctual, willing and happy to make improvements based on feedback. I’ve previously raided within each expansion. I was in a late night guild through Castle Nathria at Mythic level and it’s some of the best times I’ve had. Now my Daughter is better with her sleep schedule I feel I can really get into a raiding environment again.
What I’m ideally looking for.
Long time player looking for a late night Heroic/Mythic Raiding Guild. I’m ideally looking to play between the hours of 10pm-12pm. I can stretch to a little later if need be and happy to play on any days.
Feel free to message me on my Btnet Tag: Jay#2817