On another note, I can’t imagine the Silver Hand turning away Legion era members simply because their native nations are Horde aligned. Not even if the order has indeed reverted to being a primarily Alliance inclined organisation. Whether those members would then have to choose not to stand by the Horde in times of war…
cold war ⠀⠀
BFA had more than just implications of the Silver Hand being Alliance, but Shadowlands seems to show that with the end of the war (and the armistice), they’re all chill again.
The implication stems from Silver Hand knights were in the Arathi warfront and that the Lightforged in the Arathi warfront. Given there is no statement in writing, it’s an implication in my book. Especially when framed against the history of the Silver Hand in WoW specifically.
Vanilla - Silver Hand is fractured and mentioned in quests. Tirion vows to reform the Silver Hand while you’re questing.
BC - See above.
Wrath - Tirion rocks up as the Highlord of the Silver Hand and merges it with the Argent Dawn to create the Crusade. Does this make the Silver Hand neutral, or Alliance, or both/neither? Note that Halford Wrymbane was still leading the 7th Legion then.
Cata - New human and dwarf paladins are now inducted to the Silver Hand in the starter zone quests. This was treated as a statement that they were alliance however Tirion is still alive and runs the Argent Crusade still.
MoP - no change
WoD - no change
Legion - Maxwell Tyrosus in the Argent Crusade is caipable of reforming the Silver Hand. An ability he presumably only has because the Silver Hand are at least a faction that isn’t purely alliance?
BfA - Turalyon is seen leading some Silver Hand knights in one of three versions of a warfront. Halford Wrymbane in conversation with Mathias Shaw notes that he is in the Silver Hand.
The nature of the Legion reformation, and the information we discover about Halford in BfA when imposed upon the order in Wrath makes the appearance of no-name silver hand NPCs in one variant of a warfront makes it an implication more than a statement in my eyes.
The best way (in my book) to look at the Silver Hand now is much the same way as you look at the Earthern Ring. Is the Earthern Ring Horde, or Alliance? Well its mostly Tauren and Orcs and many of them are depected with the Horde. But the organisation itself isn’t Horde. So the Silver Hand is mostly full of Alliance oriented individuals, but the Order itself is not.
I have to say a great congratulations on your 60th Call. I remember years ago when these first began and to see them steer through the various changes both in lore, OOC and IC is honestly great.
Here’s to making it to 100 calls eventually!
A crazy milestone, and well deserved to have reached it. It’s a treat to see the Paladin community still going strong!
We’ve averaged about 10 meetings a year, so what, middle to end of next expansion pack and we might hit 100? Crikey that’d be something.
Berethen 4 life! Hope to see you there!
Perhaps I will return for this, for the Call helped me get into paladin RP and perhaps would feel wrong for me to miss this particular one.
Looking forwards to seeing you all this evening!
Fun fact: I’ve missed all of these events. One day…
Thank you to everyone who attended last night, it was wonderful to see returning faces and new.
We’ll see you at the 100th meeting I’m sure.
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