Hi there,
I’m looking to xfer to this server as i have some friends here who pvp and i want to be on the same server as them however i mainly PVE so looking for a guild to join for semi-hardcore/casual (however you want to put it) raiding.
My current exp is 6/12m, i have 4 chars i can play all vary from ilvl 465 to 475 (dh, war, druid, paladin) which i don’t mind maining any of them however would prefer to heal so either pal or druid but if it came down to it i’m happy to play dps on any of the others:
Looking for a guild who is quite laid back and has a fun raiding atmosphere, raids pref 2 or 3 times a week and is currently doing mythic progression.
Leave a message below if any of the above interest you, thanks