Guild: Duckheads
Server: Tarren Mill
Raid Day: Thursday
Times: 21:30 - 00:00 server time
Progression: 8/8HC, 6/8M VoTI
Recruitment Needs: Healer (not Pala)
Discord: bhadgar#4231
Or slap an app: apply.wowaudit[dot]com/eu/tarren-mill/duckheads/ducks?preview
Notes: We’re a 1-night, low hours, high skill, fun oriented guild. Very strong social aspect to the with the core going back 5+ years, an active discord and doing IRL meets etc. Largely ex-CE burnouts and pink-logging slackers who cba to raid 3 nights but still enjoy the ritual of slaying dragons and the banter that comes with it.
We don’t set specific prog targets and just enjoy the game for what it is without getting sweaty. Need another healy-bod to come keep us alive. Currently mid-prog on Dathea and still running an optional weekly fun-run HC skip for alts and socials on Tuesdays.