Is it too much to ask for a bg that is not halfway through with my team all dead when i enter ? im at 7 in a row today, like, do i stop q ? what do i do ? can we stop this nonsense “enter bg” after 10 mintues of q, just to be met with these games ?
i entered a seething shroe with enemy team at 1400… and then, 10 minutes q, and i entered ANOTHER seething shore, with them 700-0… and then i got a silvershard with 1000-0, the rest i can’t remember, but as im writing this, i entered a WSG with 8 people dead, 1 rogue in stealth, and just me getting absolutely F by enemy team, how does blizz think anyoen is okay with sitting 10 minutes of queue for these games ?
edit, 8, got a gilneas now, they have 3 bases already. wtf blizzard?
The infuriating thing is that someone has waited throughout the entirety of the game, being farmed or whatever, then decides to leave right at the last minute, all for the sake of not accruing that 1 loss on his statistics. If you’re going to leave, at least leave at the beginning and not right at the end. Although it’s still unlikely to be much fun for whoever ends up taking his place.
That is very common in the horde. People see that they are going to “lose” and after the first fight or two, 3 or 4 people leave the bg. In the Alliance it is happening, but in the Horde it is very exaggerated, the majority do not even want to try, which the Alliance does fight much more
speaking of stats, anyone can explain me how SS stats work on armory ? and why everyone has like 90% winratio.,…? how does it calculate wins and loses… ?
it only counts as a loss if you lose rating in a lobby, and since most players will just queue 10-15 lobbies for 1800 set, virtually everyone has “100%” winrate.
all you need to do is go 3-3 or 4-2, and since you’ve got 3 other dps in the lobby, the chances that you are the worst out of the 4 will be low, and even if you do lose in this environment, if you were say 1700 CR but 2300 mmr and you got 1-5, you won’t even lose rating and the lobby will be counted as a win on armoury.
it is pretty dumb because for example my warrior and boomkin both have “100% winrate” yet look at the winrate difference on checkpvp