7-day silence ban appeal

Yesterday, I placed a ban appeal to a 7-day silence for something I did not do. I haven’t used a single abusive language, yet I am silenced. Yesterday, upon placing the ticket, it said that the average response time would be 3 days and 5 hours. Now, it is 4 days and 5 minutes. I cannot use LFG and therefore, I cannot look for queues for 2v2 or 3v3 (I am healing and we all know how vital healers are to pvp). I cannot even play mythic plus.
I know that I am going to get an automated response and that I’ll have to wait those seven days eventually. I have been playing and paying for this game for over a decade (on and off). Am I not important to this company in the slightest? Thanks in advance.
Your utterly disappointed subscriber.

The forum isn’t the appropriate place to appeal an account suspension. For more information, please visit the pages Appealing a Silence, Suspension, or Ban and Forum Code of Conduct.