7 Simple Developer Suggestions

I have some simple suggestions that would improve SOD significantly more playable without removing that classic feel and requiring much work.

My Suggestions:

1. Harder ticks of dots (+50-100%) lower duration, with the exception of void plague(600+ a tick for 18 seconds is ridiculous, post pvp nerf), and have a 50% nerf in pvp.

  • Solves the issue of people just doting people up and them dying at range in pvp, DOTS OP in PvP.

  • Solves the issue of Spriest, Boomy and Affli lock viability in PVE these specs will not scale compared to rogues, hunter, mage, and Warrior in PVE even at 60.

  • Dot tick damage boosts dps not the duration.

2. Set maximum time for CD’s to 10 minutes.

  • Fights are shorter than this and people should be able to use their big GCD every fight or at least on most fights, recklessness shouldn’t be a 30 minute cd, that’s 2 uses in the whole of ST raid.

3. Spells should crit for 200% damage base not 150% (will need to reduce Ignite ticking damage by ÂĽ accordingly though)

  • roughly a 20% buff to most casters damage assuming they have 40% crit in raid.

  • don’t really understand why this wasn’t the first thing they did when they saw the melee vs ranged pve dps difference.

4. Spell pushback limit to +0.5s x2 so set a maximum of +1second to a spell cast.

  • No one casts anything longer than a 1-1.5sec cast in pvp for a reason, and that reason is you can’t.

  • Doesn’t break really impact other classes in pvp balance as you still can kick, COT, CS, spell lock, stun or even cast a fear/poly before the longer spells.

  • Makes more specs viable in PvP

5. Totems, wild strikes, demonic pact and other party buffs should be raid wide.

  • Removes requirement for multiple feral druids/shamans even locks in every raid comp

6. Stop nerfing gold/ item farms and buff drop rates. The economy will adjust to the prices, and if Epics are easier to get due to items like the emerald warden trinket that isn’t a bad thing.

  • The economy will adjust, and we only have 10-12 weeks between phases.

  • People can still farm their consumables so if it is 3g or 30g it takes the same time to get the materials.

  • If some random drop epic is a class BIS they shouldn’t have to farm 3000 runs of some dungeon to get it or resign to never get it.

  • Instead of only 1 of it on the AH and the price be 4000g just let there be 50 on the AH and the price be 400g

7. Activate the meeting stones into summoning stones.

  • stop the requirement for a lock in every group.

  • I honestly don’t understand why this wasn’t done???(The models exist so why don’t they work) (Do people think forcing everyone to walk to the instance is fun and engaging gameplay).

p.s. Would be nice to instead of removing soul link from metamorphosis flat out. Just remove it from PvP Meta or make it reduce the warlock damage by 30% can’t really see why it would be a problem in pve. Their threat sucks in if they don’t go destro.

If I need to clarify more, or there are things I missed I would appreciate feedback. I think the devs need feedback.

Please Like if you agree with any of the ideas


It would make some talents useless. Ruin for destruction warlock and many more.

No those would just become 200% + the talent%.

if you had seen what a warlock with the blade of eternal darkness is capable of, buffing casters would be the last thing on your mind.

EDIT: nvm. you are a warlock. figures you want casters buffed because currently the caster class who stands to benefit the most from any general spell buff is warlock.

Having party buffs be raid buffs is dangerous. You will again end up with only having 1 of each spec, and stack another class to be sufficient.
Might not be the case in your guild, but in the long run, it will most likely hurt more guilds than help them.

However, i love the idea. It just comes with a cost

I want them buffed in pve not pvp and not sure if you have Blade but only procs on hit spells not on dots or even immolation aura, so roughly 20 seconds per proc cos my casts are ~2secs, so roughly +5-6dps.