[7/9M] Guardians of the Plume - 2 Night Mythic Raiding Guild

Hello all!

Guardians of the Plume is a 2 night weekday Mythic guild.

We are currently 7/9 Mythic, rebuilding S4

If you’re up for a joke and are not looking for the pressure that comes with hardcore world rank raiding, but still want to progress as far as possible in mythic, please drop us a note! Our aim is to clear bosses with the comp available, so no one will be forced into playing and preparing multiple alts that does not want to. While CE is on the table as one of our goals, it’s not something we hardforce using overtime and extra raid nights. The advertised raid nights are it.

At what times do we play?
Monday and Thursdays 20:00-23:00 Server Time.

Be able to take a joke!
Most of the fun for us is hanging out with friends and down bosses together. We obviously won’t purposefully offend anyone, but don’t be surprised if a few jokes are made at your expense if you keep standing in fire.

Know and learn your class!
We expect you to know what you are doing in your chosen class. If you’re not performing well enough we expect you to be able to take advice to heart and act on it.

Stay up to date!
Anyone wanting to step into raids with us should be willing to keep their gear enchanted, gemmed, and the like. We also expect everyone to do atleast some Mythic plus every week (emergencies barred) to get the gear they need. You don’t have to pug it, usually there will be group runs, but you can’t start out a tier with raidlogging.

What are we looking for?
We are looking for solid people for next season, comfortable with their chosen class(es), spec(s) and role(s). We are also looking for some people with the ability to perform in a flex role.
We are specifically looking for a holy/disc priest, and any dps (DH, Mage high priority)

If you are interested, please feel free to reach out, preferably through Discord:

Discord: lunaface

Discord: Váng#3272

Discord: Devillings#1195

obviously this requires another bump on the rocky road of recruitment

Quick bump for updated roster!

Lets give this another lil bump

Bumping another time for new requirements.

It might be time to bump it back at the top so we can get the last recruits in x)

Another bump for our never ending recruitment

Hey guys iw added all of you on discord hoping atleast one person will accept :stuck_out_tongue: im a returning Ex mythic raider that took about 1 year of raiding as i got a kid but wanting to come back to raiding in DF

Uzahr joined us! Let’s hope we can find some more :slight_smile:

i added all 3 from discord… im a warlock player that can play all specs, i can join you if its okay

Added all 3 on discord. Disc Priest looking for a home in which I can learn M+ & Raiding.

Looks like we are gaining some traction, hopefully we can get some more! :smiley:

Sent a friend request to all 3!

Surv Hunter with BM offspec here! :slight_smile:

Bumping for new recruitment needs

i will try to higher this thread up to get the attention of people looking for a casual mythic raiding guild :^)

One more bump for 2022!

Hi! My name is Lina, I would be thrilled if you considered me: Semi-casual Mythic progression is a dream for me. I messaged Max#2133 on Discord.

I came back to WoW 6 days ago and created a fresh character on Silvermoon, but I have a lot of free time now and I’m having a blast playing the game so I want to play as a much as possible. I’m 375 Fury Warrior atm and trying to gear up as fast as possible (I cleared HoV+11 so I’ll get a 402 item next week).

I used to be very serious about the game in both pvp and pve and (I still am): I raided Mythic in Legion (we killed the first boss in Mythic Emerald Nightmare) and 2250 in 2v2 arena as Resto Shaman. But I have also been playing Warrior my whole life starting in Cataclysm (raided all 3 raids as Arms).

Qneetza has joined our team, and now a spot for a holy priest just opened up, so rebumping in hopes of finding one for the new year!

Time for another bump so we can get some new recruitss

Bumping for more bodies!