7th guild bank tab keeps resetting permissions

i have to set it up for roles every single day, because the settings just keep going back to the default ones and i need to manually go back and change the permissions again. all the other tabs are fine, just the 7th one keeps resetting

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Top notch outsourced coding, still not fixed because outsource was payed too low initially, but now hold devs hostage, extorting tips for every patch /s


still having the issue.

I also have this, very annoying, problem.
Though for me, it doesn’t happen every day, only on some days.

I am wondering if it is an add-on doing this, but I wasn’t aware of add-ons being able to change a Guild Settings like this.
Does anyone know if an add-on could even potentially do this, and if so, what in the code of the add-on would be the thing setting this (I am looking for a name or so, so that I can search all the add-ons I have, for this possibility).

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I reported it under the Technicail support section and not had a response to this ether.

seems to happen every time after maintenance. very annoying.

Indeed - Yet still no aknowledgement from Blizzard, very disapointing.

Last time this happened to me was around a Wednesday maintenance.

However, I just had it rapport happen again by a guildy, and it was working earlier today. As today is a Sunday, it seems like it isn’t only during maintenance, at least not for me. :frowning:

. nice one.

Still happening…

yeap, every few days I have to redo the permissions.

Still happening!

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