8.1 Best patch in a few years

Very much more allys to gank
Id say atlest 5x more, maybe even 10x
8.1very good.


Yeah, found gank raid in Drustvar, died a lot but got ton of kills too and my KoS list grew by some 120 players \o/. A lot to corpse camp later :slight_smile:

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Hopefully it stays this way. Brings more fights to wpvp when its more balanced

Pretty awesome, plenty of both faction. On my shard, Horde had a large raid hidIng in their base in Drust. Whereas Alliance where in parties, so they could get their free 370 gear from the weekly Alliance quest. Carnage on both sides hehe.

I was happy with WM in 8.0.1, but this is better.

Right now it could be the novelty factor of new patch encouraging War Mode’ing. I’m guessing the activity will die down a bit, it’ll be clearer after a week or two if this is permanent awesomness. But so far so good, loving the extra bonus and free 370 gear! :blush:

Horde probably had ton of randoms waiting for NPC to spawn :smiley:

Allies usually camp that Drustwar base because ppl are getting dropped there one by one from quest. That’s how to get PvP rewards without doing PvP, killing losers doing this is so satisfying.

Don’t count on it to last :wink:

I had warmode on for levelling my characters, but eventually turned it off on all since I always found myself either one on one or outnumbered. Never at the advantage.

So this patch I turned warmode on again to see if there is more alliance and to my surprise there was.

So I meet the first horde and we get into a fight. I’m losing but not badly, my health is going down just a tad faster than his.

In come two more alliance, so I think ‘Great I’ve not been at an advantage in numbers in ages’ .

So the two alliance come and just stand there while I slowly die. A WQ mob spawns, they attack and kill it and run off.

Shortly after, I die.

After I res I run around and see the same horde fighting those two alliance and losing. Two more horde players arrive and immediately attack the alliance.

That is the difference between horde and alliance in PvP and why I have just switched off warmode again.

No 370 reward is worth getting killed so much more than getting kills and having to deal with those alliance ‘players’.

Bring it on buddy, my 373 Paladin is waiting in WM at any time for Horde filth!

Ey, I didn’t realize before, but it seems the 25 kill quest can be done in raid… awesome.

Before 8.1, big problem with forming a raid was when players leave because they find out they need a party for pvp quests. This new 25 kill raid quest could make it easier to form raid. We’ll see, and see how that affects WM. Was fairly easy to form a 40 raid even though late at night. But ye, patch is still new and so more doing WM maybe.

Why would you need a raid to complete the quests!? Just solo play, but i guess every noob in here only wpvp when they are in a 40 man raid. just like usually in wpvp.

You alliance speak about wanting to make wpvp fair again, yet you only go when you got a raid? talk about hypocrites. i dont mind tho, more easy kills to kill but come on now. forming structured raids against randoms is just pathetic. a 5 man group is fine but raids, stay out of that bs.

In come two more alliance, so I think ‘Great I’ve not been at an advantage in numbers in ages’ .

So the two alliance come and just stand there while I slowly die. A WQ mob spawns, they attack and kill it and run off.

I experienced the same as ally. I join wpvp raid as healer and had to catch them. On the way, a hunter and warrior attacked me, just a moment away of raid. As healer I managed to stay alive but they eventually started getting advantage. Because of slow, I couldn’t get to raid sooner. When I was fighting, two alliances who were in that raid just passed me by and let me die. Unbelievable!

Dunno if OP is trolling or not but wow atm now is playable. BFA release up until 8.1 was a steaming pile of cat sh!t

Edit: in my personal experience it seems theres way more alliance cutting about than horde but i dk how this sharding works, iv probably just gotten really lucky, either way this has done wonders for world pvp AND leveling alts so blizzard i take my hat off to you.

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