8.2 made WoW feel like a chore/job

really? I hear this quite often, but I cannot see what did it actually change?
I still need to win the lottery of titanforge, I still need to rely on heavy rng for correct azerite traits, I still have no vendor for correct gear etc. pp

And yes, if you need to grind for flying, each day you have to waste 2-3h doing stupid dailies which is indeed a chore and not fun.
After unlocking that, I will never set foot into these boredom zones again and can finally start playing the game again.
Actually I probably wouldn’t need flying because as soon as I have it I don’t need to do WQs anymore and as I know blizzard, the next patch’s zone will not allow flying

do make a game fun and having something to do, you need to give options to achieve the same thing in different ways.
Right now the problem is:
m+ unbalanced and stays the same the whole expac, running a dungeon 500 times will just get worse and worse as the expac goes on. People just do it mostly for gear
Pvp is dead because class balance is terrible and class design as well
WQs or dailies, no one ever liked that and it always felt like a chore
Raiding probably 1-2 times a week, doesn’t fill a whole game

well that’s pretty much all you can do aside from alts and that is not really much to keep you playing. Gearing is fast and unrewarding, which in past expansion was more exciting and let me keep on grinding. Now every new patch I hate to play slot machine again


So you are one of these plebs not flying in 2019 ?? LUL it takes 7-10 days of doing dailies to get flying if you have been playing but form what you said you were not.
I like to work for XYZ.
IF you want all then get them this is not revolved to get all done on all chars etc make decision what you want.

That is your only opinion my guild and friends love and do these things daily ^^.
And they are smart enought if they do not want/are in mood to do XYZ they simply do not do it.
You said XYZ but nothing else like what?
And not sure what i do but nothing is same like ever i like to run 500 times dungeon with different people lvl difficulty affixes time mood etc like nothing is ever same.
Probably if you kill 1 boar on lvl 1 again that may be feel same for you.
I actually do pvp daily compared to legion ?? so not sure what are you talking about here either.
And saying “I know blizzard next zone not flying” Guess what i do not have to say i know xyz argus had no flying neither timeless etc makes sense nothing else i do not miss/need flying at all so i do not care personally.And what for you would do flying since you hate world content and world pvp ?

ah come on, just because some affixes changes, doesn’t make the dungeon different. If you are not going for M+20 you can just rush through M+10 for pretty little effort regardless of affixes, especially if the gear goes up.
It stays the same for 2 years. You might do it with different people if you pug, but honestly it could be 4 bots as well, because people barely talk anyways.

I don’t know what pvp you do, but guess nothing real. Pvp this expansion is just trash, if you think otherwise you never really played pvp before.

Why do I have to play stupid WQs and this garbage content called dailies? Because blizzard locked some mandatory items behind it (essences, BiS trinket). Flying is good to have for the next season patch where you still need to do stupid world quests to get an edge in gearing.
If this would exist, I would not even step foot into these areas, because they have not valuable content. It is not challenging, I can play it with one hand and no threat of dying. I can pull have the zone and do fine, I can kill the elites solo. Wuhu so much fun to collect 15 items of that, kill 15 mobs. Yeah absolutely fun.
If that is fun for you, good, guess you also love to bring down the garbage every day and have a blast while doing it, because the trash you bring downstairs is every day different

It is different for me and .

Btw your siege 11 : Siege of Boralus
01:25:58OVER TIME BY 49:58
Things are mandatory if you want them nothing else stop acting like you speak for everyone.
What for you would use these mandatory things when you already said everything is bad then?
Going to hide your profile like rest of baddies?

Very curious why you need these “mandatory things” for eveyrthing literally everything you have said is bad why you play then and want these"mandatory things"

so? if sometimes your pugs is just terrible and run into trash to die
Doesn’t change the fact that m+10 is pretty easy if you play with people that actually don’t run into the water to get eaten by the shark.

I just ran 2 higher dungeons this season because of the stupid dailies eating my time.
The motherlode we just run through without major deaths except a dh dying from several bombs for no reason.

where do I hide my profile? I didn’t click any button. This is my main because I don’t want to transfer my old shaman twice to this server. Not sure what you want to look up.
Speaking of baddies, I don’t know what is so great about your profil? I guess it is also not your main, otherwise you have nothing to show for to attack other peoples profiles.

These things are needed if you want to play m+ or pvp, simple as that. I came back to the game to play m+ and pvp. I find it is still not improved and I will probably not play next month anymore
So I don’t know what I have to actually tell you.


So you are another who did not played or want to put some effort to get anything in end of the day.
Yes it will not change do not go back you will still be behind and have to work for things you want seems awful for people like you literally terrible:
But for someone who plays and wants thing to work for and get reward for put effor and do things because they want to feel rewarded and for fun it is great.
Why i would do X if i had Y already guess you did not seen Mr Bee.
SO many free things in BFA already /puke want it ?work for it!

now you are just talking non sense.
If I would not even want to put in effort, I wouldn’t run +10s in the first place, never achieved any rating in pvp or whatsoever
Running the same daily 50 times is not fun.
Put in challenging content that is fun, then I will put in the effort. Pathfinder is just an excuse of letting people grind for something.

Free things in BfA is the problem. Gear lottery is just terrible. You can literally NOT work for things, you can put as much effort in something as you want and don’t get it. We do not have vendors.
Work for it… I have even more meaningful achievements than you, so kinda trolling to tell me I don’t put in effort and want everything for free.
well whatever, you can have your opinion, i have mine.
I don’t like bfa like the majority. If you like it, good for you, pretty sure you are in the minority here


You are just hating on essences for working for them same with flying and anything you have to work for you are hypocrite and "Fun"things are subjective.
As pve player mainly have having vendors for pearls and azerite gear feels great you have 2800 acheivements points.
Probably mostly because people who does not play spend all they do on forums crying etc.

And this is my main who has some " meaningful achievements" pretty sure more than you.

I swear if I have to pull more weeds or plug one more hole I’m gonna go berserk.

It’s amazing how they managed to make one zone so fun (Mechagon) and one that feels like an absolute chore and a complete drag (Nazjatar).

I already hit exalted with both factions, but there’s still the companions to level and a decent chunk of AP to be gotten from the world quests.
At least I’m free from the bounties and requisitions :raised_hands:

And don’t even get me started about the pinnacle of WPvP design that is the event in Nazjatar…

achievements are account wide, so I can see it regardless of your char.
Only your char shows your current achievement points not the total on your account.
You say you do pvp daily, but yet didn’t do anything meaningful there, so I don’t know how you want to judge that pvp is actually any good?
Like I said don’t pounce on other peoples profiles if yours is not cutting edge either, just makes you looking pathetic. First of all I don’t give a crap about achievements, let people collect them if it is their cup of tea, it is not mine and it is fine because it is an OPTION.

I am hating on essences, those that are fun, are not good. I don’t mind having to run mechagon mythic or hardmode to get the vision. I don’t mind having to kill mythic azhara for a bis raid essence, I don’t care if I need 2k rating for a pvp essence.
I do care if I need to grind stupid boring rep for a BiS essence for M+ or high rated pvp.
Fun is subjective and I want to do what is fun for ME, but I am not allowed to do that. Instead I need to grind crap content to be competitive in content that I enjoy. But I cannot enjoy that because I have to grind 3h daily for 3 weeks first to be able to play what I like.
You tell me this is good design?!

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Yes. It really became like a secondary job. Only to keep pace with artifact power, essences and benthic gear, you need to spend daily at least 1,5-2h.
After that you need to prepare your gear: you need to start all over again with mythic+ farming, making a few +2or +3 dungeons to get invited in +5-6 dungeon, then you need to do a few +5 or +6 yo raise score to get invited to +8 or +9 and so on. That means at least one or two mythic + dungeons daily…thats another 1-1,5h.
So basically, you need at least 3-4h daily to play to keep the pace with normal players. Not to mention to keep the pace with hardcore players…

Well if 8.2 is their vision of how to fix complains…then n/c. Its a more failure this patch than the entire Draenor expansion.


So i like doing these boring things and world pvp with them so now you will say what ?Keep being selfish because.
It is great design you want X you do Y for it some people are okay some like you no that does not mean someone who want essence from PVE for pvp feels like they have to they want X from doing Y they do it or not happends to you what you want is not from what you do nothing else.

you can do you dailies how much you want, but don’t lock major things for other content behind it.
You still don’t get what I am saying.
Lets say I put BiS pve gear behind 2.5k rating in pvp, you are the first one who will cry, because you cannot get it.
You saw that this even happened with mop legendary, and there it even was just to win a bg lol


Ye how dare people want to play with someone else and not you not sure how you but i do not farm benthic gear like i have to based on what are you doing you are not world first raider who takes even 0.1% increase in XYZ if you want to get gear by farming/doing wqs killing rares etc and upgrade it you can via benthing gear ?Not interested simply do not do it you are whining because you are solo player and people take these who give a F and know something rather than someone who does not give a F and does not know anything?
That is difference in playstyle find likeminded people and do not/Try force yourself somewhere you do not belong and people clearly decide who they want and you are not that.
So make your own group find like minded people join guild,make friends.
I do not want to play with people like you since we clearly have different playstyles and goals/mindset i avoid guys like you with 0 exp in anything gear mostly from titanforge etc.
You have 58 neck WTF you clearly enjoy AP farming look at my paladin i do sometimes dailies if i want 1x island cap did not played last 3 days and somehow you are a neck level ahead of me and you do not even raid world first raider = sco on monk has 57 neck wtf you choose to do it your time your decision only.
Stop blaming XYZ for your own decisions.

NO simple i know how wow works and crit and damage works i look at effort required and reward and make my decision if it is worth for me or not simple as that.
I did not played in MoP i started in legion and i did not give a F about legendaries.As you could see i am mostly pve player still i have 1900 from rated bgs did it mostly for artifact skin and i had fun if i look at it and was too much/not fun doing it and effort put would outweight reward i would simply do not do it.

1900er rated bgs are pretty much pve
it is an aoe crapfest yo.
So you see, you didn’t play at the expansions which were good, but yet want to tell people who play this game 15 years how good the game is now?
you are really funny.

you are playing for reward not fun. Good for you. I already have a job which i do for the reward and not fun. When I am at home I want to have fun and not another job, which is exactly why the people are complaining (except you).


Playing long does not mean being good and have any idea at all since you have 2800 acheivements.
I play for fun hence i said XYZ and you are hypocrite.

But I do. I play WoW and achieve what I want to achieve each time. Then I log out and cone back next time. You don’t ‘finish’ WoW, it’s not that type of game.

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