8.3 Spoilers (Saurfang died for nothing, the confrontation of Orgrimmar was pointless and the Horde only lives at the mercy of the Alliance -da heck blizz?)

aina: The Old God has been vanquished. The Alliance and Horde have ended hostilities.
Jaina: This should be a day of celebration, Anduin. Yet you wear your troubles like a crown.
Anduin: I’m so glad that after all you endured, you have found peace within your heart, Jaina. I can’t say the same about myself, though. Not yet.
Anduin: Sylvanas is out there somewhere. Until she’s brought to justice, I don’t think Tyrande or Genn will truly consider the war to be over.
Jaina: The Kul Tiran fleet is scouring the seas, and Shaw has spies searching every dark corner of Azeroth. She can’t hide for long.

So, Basically not only does the Kul’tiran fleet yet still exist.
the loss of the Horde and the Alliance fleet was pointless of Aszahara and Saurfang technically did not need die or make the confrontation.

considering the Fleet who’se presence alone could turn the Tide when the Horde did have a fleet, is still very much operational?
Well guess what the Alliance could had won if they wanted to, the Horde is just alive at their mercy and Saurfang literally died for nothing.
there was no, need for him and the rebels to make the confrontation with the Alliance at Orgrimmar.

There was never any big final assault moment.
the only remaining powerful fleet was just siting there waiting for the get go to destroy the Horde.

What in the seven hells Blizzard?
Does your Catering to the Alliance or more directly your banner girl Jaina need be so, obviously?

This following Dialogue needs to be changed immediately or literally all that was done in Reckoning was pointless and just killed off a great potential leader of the Horde.


I swear why did Anduin need Saurfang’s help again?
This Dialogue better change or blizzard admits their direct spit in the face to all Horde fans once more.


It was obvious that the bulk of the Kul Tiran fleet was still intact. Jaina wouldn’t leave her country defenseless just to pursue a few strugglers at sea. This is basic logic that even a Total War noob understands.


Seen the Nazjatar cinematic? Majority of ships are from Stormwind, there’s like 4 Kul Tiran ones. Considering we have seen like 30 big KT ships at one place, it was obvious.


And all the ships in the actual game are of Kul Tiran design. Funny how that works. :grinning:


Saurfangs death wasn’t pointless. We are not at war now. Also story-wise his death united the Horde. He failed to unite the forums but that’s impossible task for a mortal orc.


If you ignore the SW ships, then Blizzard was actually pretty consistent. There are 4 KT wrecks in Nazjatar, two Zandalari and one Forsaken, which all fits the cinematic. Where the SW ships went, no one knows.

He did it so the Alliance would suffer less losses. Just like Baine he was an alliance pawn all along.


There are more than four KT wrecks. Either way the point is rather that the fate of the Kul Tiran fleet is very inconsistent.

I suppose it’s likely that they managed to rebuild much of it following the events in Nazjatar. They were pretty efficient in the recruitment scenario.

Nah there are four. I actually went around and checked. It looks like more because some are broken in two - ie one half is on a hill, other under.

Now we all must know that the purpose of the war was to feed souls to the hungering darkens. Stopping the war was the right think to do.
“Our brothers and sisters”
“Many lives will be lost”(Alliance and Horde)
“Or perhaps only one”
“And we knew where it could lead”
I can’t understand how you can think that he was an alliance pawn who only cared about Alliance losses.

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Kul Tiran Fleet still being there makes it very clear to me. This was nothing the Alliance couldn’t have have handeld on their own. Saurfang making stupid’gora was pointless in this new light of events.

Considering that they are sadly going to redeem Sylvanas soon, yes Saurfangs death will probably be very pointless at the end.

With Shadowlands being next almost confirmed, just wait for the new “sad dead Saurfang” CGI cinematic wave.

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Nah. The next series will be about Sylvanas who is now not a part of the Horde anymore even. And I can’t wait for blizzcon knowing this.

She’ll be a neutral hero just like Illidan and we will side with her most likely.

which we will probally join with to take down Tyrande cause blizz does love to crap on the night elves.


didnt stormwind also have like 8 fleets or someting like that.

Lorewise the Horde should be extinct, yet:

  1. Cloning machine > 3 ships of orcs, 1 small tribe of jungle trolls and nearly extinct/low on population Tauren…
  2. To keep the game playable the Alliance are always portraited as idiots > Not finishing the job, not helping when the Draenei (this includes LFD) were 1 spit away or “Oh forgot about the blight herpy derp”
  3. Alliance is full of super weapons (gnomish space laser satalite to name one of the earliest one) or persons who can solo the entire Horde (Malfurion prime example) > They get nerfs ingame power wise (Tyrande as the night warrior) or it gets forgotten about or written out of Lore (Vindicaar…).

Numbers. Do. Not. Matter. In. WoW. Lore.

They never have.


How about size ?

Can a gnome take on a tauren ? :stuck_out_tongue: