8.3 Visions of Nzoth

Making the whole heritage scenario a dream would be a reeeal letdown, though. But yeah, could be.

Would be a shame to kill Nathan in a heritage quest line so few players will ever
get to experience.

I don’t want him gone period but if he has to die then at least give him a sendoff that all Alliance players can partake in.

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I expect she’ll run off and find a worgen to bite her, and the questline will be us helping her through it. Maybe Genn refuses to let her become one of them.

I would actually find it really cool, if the Worgen could have their private revenge that doesn’t belong to any Champion, but just to their people.

but seems unlikely that something like that his death would happen without a cinematic, and that’s something a bit above the usual happenings in a heritage scenario.

But who knows, if the goblins really get rid of Gallywix in their scenario, maybe the stakes for heritage quests are actually being raised here.

There’s a map named the “Gilneas Dreamway”. So it’s an emerald nightmare scenario for Tess.

So I reckon Tess is stuck in a nightmare, literally. We’re going to free her, she’ll end up a worgen. She has a unique worgen model coming, too.

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She does? Any datamined image?

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Just the texture file, but I can’t post links yet. Her armour is an updated version of the Wastewalker Armor from TBC.

  • Baine sent assistants to Suramar to aid with our arcwine production, but managing them has proven

No idea about the context, but I just wanted to mention that.

Seems like that might be part of the Vulpera scenario where the Tauren messed the Arcwine production up and the Vulpera fix it, I guess? That sounds really exiting now, doesn’t it? Let’s hope that’s wrong.

Also, for some irony:

  • The Horde endures because we band together in times of adversity.

And another one:

  • You challenge the future warchief of the Horde? I’ll cut you down to size!
  • When I’m warchief, peons will be respected members of the Horde!

'member Nomi? I 'member!

  • Good call. Nomi is well known for his culinary creations.

And of course:

  • Who knew killing naga could be so fun?

Both sets so far are the worst ive seen they are garbage. i pray they are unfinished cause if thats what were getting i may delete mine.

Have to say, I’ll be pretty disappointed if Ny’alotha only ends up being a raid.

It’s been hyped up as this mysterious city of madness and despair for so long and it’s built such a legacy that it would feel like a waste if they don’t use it more.

Also I don’t like how it seems like we’re gonna defeat N’zoth in 1 patch, the first fully released old god and all he gets is a single patch?
Not even a new zone?
This is worthy of a whole expansion, but at least I like the architecture.


Argus was worthy of an expansion.
As was Azshara.

I feel like Blizzard is burning through villains and stories much faster than they can create them. Tis quite sad.


Oh, well, here goes the forum for the next while


For Prince Erazmin!

And another one.

Thrall: No. I told Saurfang I would not lead the Horde again.
Thrall: But perhaps the question is not who will become warchief
 but whether there should be one at all.


Rokhan: But
 da Darkspear do be needin’ a leader. A voice on da council. And if it gotta be me
 den it be me.

A council it is.

I guess the Horde gets to be the passive faction now.

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This is actually great. Sounds like they listened to players.

Which ones? It’s not like we speak with one voice. And I think councils are a horrible idea for their character-driven action plots.

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The ones wanting a council.


Horde gets a council of leaders.
Alliance gets a blue Warchief.

What interesting times. :clown_face:


Back to the boring, pointless and hated Thrall times when Horde was apathy. Lame and crap.

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Incoming next expansion full of even more Alliance super heroes because of this BS.