Mad cuz bad - [Alliance]
A chill group of friends through 5+ years who raid cross-realm (meaning only up to and including heroic raids). Most of us are 25+, leading busy lives IRL, which is why we prefer not to raid Mythic and not waste too much time during our raids. We expect people to perform as good as possible and hold people to these standards. That being said, we have a super relaxed raiding atmosphere. No one will yell or flame, we have good bants and if someone is under-performing, we’ll talk about it 1 on 1 rather than call out during raid. Maturity is a key-word here (although not when it comes to bants!) ![:sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:](
We achieved 8/8 HC Uldir, 9/9 HC BoD and 8/8 HC Palace within 2-3 weeks from launch. We aim to do the same in Eternal Palace!
Looking for:
Melee: Fury
Ranged: Spriest, Warlock, Elemental
Healer: Resto Shaman, Resto Druid or Disc Priest (prefferably all with OS)
However, if you are none of these and this sounds like a place for you, then feel free to contact me anyway. We’re around 22 strong atm and have been anywhere from 10 and up to 30 people since we started in WoD. There’s always room for a few like-minded players! ![:grin: :grin:](
We raid twice a week wednesday and sunday from 19.30 to 22.30 during progress. Our community is active on discord including, as mentioned m+, and also other games.
Our rules and code of conduct are very simple: be nice, play well.
If this sounds like something for you, then feel free to contact me on nibu#1344 or here on the forums. ![:relaxed: :relaxed:](
Thanks for reading.
Still looking for like-minded people to join our great cause!
Aszhara patch is fast approaching (hopefully) and there’s room for you to join.
Hi, im looking for a guild, who’s doing a lot of m+. At this point i unfortunately cannot commit to a raiding schedule since my availability will be unreliable. However, I am looking for a guild whereas i can funtion as a social, with oppotunity to a change in that role if my schedule changes. I main a havoc DH, whereas I have multiple geared alts all ranging from 1200-1600 rio ish.
Hope you’ll consider me even though i cannot add a lot to the raiding team, but add something in teams of farming m+ as both dps, tank or healer role.
kind regards,
Still looking for like-minded people for this great community! 8.2 is coming soon… we hope!
Hey buddy.
We’re really mainly looking for someone who can raid with us as well.
But you’re more than welcome to join the community anyway, it will be easy since we’re a not a guild. You can join up in various m+ runs, etc. as they get posted in community chat.
Add me in-game, and I’ll invite you to the community if you wish. Just note that we’re very inactive atm prior to patch 8.2.
Updated a bit with more info, looking for a resto Druid or Shaman atm as well! (If you have a DPS off-spec, even better!)
8.2 is nearing and here’s your chance to join a nice heroic group to get stuff done nice and quick!
Still looking for all the above! ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](")
This is your chance to get a quick normal + heroic clear of Eternal Palace and maybe find a new place to call home! <3
We’re still looking for a few more brave souls! Warlocks, Demon Hunters in particular, but anything goes as long as you’re a great fit ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](")
Hey guys! Still room for a lot of good peeps.
Mainly looking for DH, Warlock and Spriest, but if you think this community sounds like a good place for you, don’t hesitate to contact me ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](")
Eternal Palace looks awesome, we’re prepped and good to go for a full normal clear tomorrow night with heroic progress following during the week.
We’re venturing into Heroic Palace tonight at 19.30 CEST!
Interested and you fit the criteria in original post? Contact us now! ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](")
Recruitment still open for like-minded, progress-oriented players.
Currently 8/8 Normal and 6/8 (8% on 7th, going down soon) Heroic.
We’re done with “progress”, but still looking for more interested in doing weekly raids. We’re looking for people who WON’T be gone in a months time to classic or out of boredom or whatever… ![:smiley: :smiley:](
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Hey guys,
Seems like a cool community, y’all still recruiting?