80% of groups in LFG are sellers

I want to find people to play with on my alt. I’m looking for people with more or less my experience but most of what I can see in LFG window are people selling boosts.

When I found a guy to play, half of the games were against boosters with glad expe, which I dont’t have.
Now you can say “get good” and I’ll reply: yes, I need to get good and train more, maybe if I wans’t looking at the LFG window for most of my time I would get to play more and learn.

Have a nice day all.


The game is in a terrible state and the key issues that are making PvP impossible to enjoy are simply not being addressed. I’ve already unsubbed as have so many other players.

The LFG list on alliance shows that a majority of the player base already have no interest in really playing PvP at the moment.

Boosting will not be addressed properly, and even if it is then it won’t be addressed quickly enough to stop me and others already leaving the game.

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the solution, is simple. Bring back arena scaling, remove covenant abilities and ENTER the solo que option. So you can join arena like you join a skirmish. THIS IS WHAT BLIZZARD NEEDS TO DO

Or bring back Arena Teams cause your answer is completely trash

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how does that fix anything

Please no scaling and no teams. Scaling was horrible and teams is just an outdated concept. What we need is a better way to get into the arena, by making the difference between honor and conquest gear smaller. The best of the best arena gear should not be better than 10% of overall performance of what the best honor gear can offer.
Right now when you start with full honor gear you will get oneshotted by people that have bis gear. Even in lower ratings.

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on alliance side it is arguable more than 80% at times.
When I log in at odd times, it is 100% selling groups.

boosting can be broken if the gear wall is removed.
Then all we have left is conquest point farm boosts and achievement boosts. Most won’t pay for that as we have seen in the past. Yes boosts will still exist but not to this extend

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Yesterday we faced against 4 different full gladiator premade team in a row. 2 of them were above 3k exp on… 1.8k rating. I was playing with my 208 ilvl survi hunter. It was a pleasure. I dont even count ilvl anymore just the gladiator title or the glad mount on low rating. The state of the game is really sad.

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Legion scaling was the best. I could level up my any alt and could play the game without spending months to get gear…

Crazy power gap and boosting destroyed pvp.

The power gap is not nearly that crazy that it will be in tbc and wotlk with weapons on 1850…

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Half of the games? I have played I think 500 2v2 games this season at low rating and don’t think I’ve encountered any boosters. Could be the case ofc that they are at higher mmr than me though.

that’s a lie:
shadowlands gear scales 30% higher than 2 seasons of tbc

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