80k Chaos bolts ?

Oh cmon. This not even close to reality. Atleast not for destro.

best argument ever… “is not true”.
then tell me one class thats more immobile then destro. tell me one class that has not even one slow (except succubus). Tell me one class that has no root / slow breaks in that game…
I agree that the whole destro concept is garbage… but if u take them away the cb dmg u can delete that spec entirely

Except destro has both, just you need to sacrifice something else for it. Destro has root tied to conflagration and slow in form of succubus.
Where did I tell that destro DMG should be nerfed? I just told that there are speccs which has a way harder time than destro in terms of dpsing. Because they have 1 school of magic.(arcane, affly)
Destro design is garbage for sure along with the rest of lock speccs.
Idc if destro has damage, but in that case demon Armor should be nerfed, since it’s a garbage design, has no counterplay and in its current form is too powerful. Either make it a selfbuff with no cd and purgeable (if they keep it in the current form) or nerf it.

oh sh*** my bad sry… ur right u never sayed that…
and I also agree that affli / arcane have an ever harder time getting dps off…

Infernal. Kite it, and if not, accept the loss.

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Instability 30% crit+ infernal stacks + ( Blood fury and pvp trinket = 2400 Intel) = 70-100k bolts in arena with 395 ilvl :slight_smile:

Sorry but you really don’t need that many casts to put 1 RoF down… no ***** lock ever even bothers to read and test their class’ tooltips and realizes that Shadowburn, despite its meek damage, is actually the best talent choice in that tier exactly because it helps you build up shards faster than you can even spend them if you eat a CC during that time or need to cast a clutch fear yourself.

It’s an instant that combined with havoc gives quick shards, speaking of which: you always forget to mention havoc. I can assure you that I can build 6 shards in 7ish seconds with this, easily.

You and I both know that it really feels dumb that we get so much hate considering how easy it really is to counter our whole setup, if we don’t counter ourselves by havoc- coil LOSing the targets we want to nuke, but if we’re defending destruction, at least do it correctly and don’t downplay things that are simply not true.

I LOATHE the design they went with Legion and even moreso BfA, and I truly think that destruction’s current state is the most frustrating spec to play AND PLAY AGAINST in arena there probably ever was… and I just want it changed.

Designing the whole spec around one single bugged cast is the dumbest thing these devs have done in a long time, probably even as far as in s5 when they had the marvelous idea to give Rogues FoK an AoE interrupt… I want my fillers to matter again more than anything…

better players than you don’t play it… but i guess they didn’t realize it either
and yes, if you use only incinerate, then it is 10-15 casts, but I guess you didn’t read the tooltip, because it is simply math, Incinerate gives you 2-3 fragments and you need 30 for Rain

and I was responding to point that Incinerate is low cast and gives you very fast soul shards, which was a lie, it provides soul shards extremely slowly

so again, point you’re defending is claiming it refills soul shards quick
assuming you need 3 soul shards which equates to 10-15 incinerates, it is not quick in my opinion

assuming you play comp that doesn’t have curse dispel… but I guess Boomy and Mages aren’t really played right now, right?
And where was last time somebody saw Rdruid in arena ? Or Rsham?
Arenas are just full of disc priests, right?

I am not defening anything. I am offending stupid points.
Like that Incinerate gives you soul shards quickly. It does not.

but what if they were afk during these 30 seconds?
it’s unfair then that warlock was able to kill them, isn’t it?

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