8/10M 2 Day Recruiting for 9.1

Working on SLG - second intermission

got space for 2 or 3 dps maybe. Really looking to finish the tier strong and set a good path for the next tier.

Sent me a message if interested - Sean#2897

Wed/Sun 8-11PM ST

we went on an agreed hiatus halfway into SLG progression.

With the patch announced, we are looking to recruit and fill some positions prior to that.
We are a CE ambitious guild with an overall talented roster. Very laid back and fun to be around.

Wed/Sun 8-11PM Server time with an optional heroic raid on thursdays 8-11PM

Space open for a variety of dps, open to discussing all classes. 3-5 spaces
Space for 1x healer.
And space for potentially 1 tank

We don’t typically recruit for the bench, we will have a roster of around 25 players to ensure raids are full.


Good time for returning players to get involved, Current experience is not mandatory.

still looking for some DPS and a healer.

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