8.3 flight simulator waste of time

Dear Blizz, wtf is wrong with you seriously. You outdone yourselves alright, the game went from an azerite grind fkfest to a flight simulator rare chase fkfest. It is seriously not fking enjoyable to have to fly around maps for hours to get 4 rares. Humongous rare spawn timer to accomodate for millions of players. How is that kind of respawn timer logical if you are going make rare questing a major part of the game.

Hello, Helliana!

It is seriously not fking enjoyable to have to fly around maps for hours to get 4 rares.

I think you are exaggerating. I am able to kill 4 rares in 20-30 minutes and I think you can do that in less time. Form a group and collaborate with the party members.

You think i am exagerrating, many players have experienced this today on panda. 1 hr 40 mins. Because there are so many players and groups separated they kill and dnt signal, they kill asap and everyone else has to wait. If you get lucky and find them fast good for you. But do not make your luck a generalized case. Wm on is the worst, i thought going WM off would make that easier it just doesn’t.

have to aggree, eighter there is not enough rares, or their respawn timer is little bit to long, it realy should work as they did in legion, that worked well.

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