About us
We are a guild that has been around for 5 years.
If you’re looking for a chill and welcoming enviroment, where you can show off your big deeps, we’re your guild. Just a group of skilled people who don’t have time to raid mythic.
We have an expectation for you to not be brain dead and listen to mechanics.
Our only goal as a guild is to clear HC with chill people and have a good time.
Raid times
We raid Monday and Thursday 8:30 - 11:30 ST.
We are currently looking for
Tanks - 0 Slots
Healers - 1 Slot
DPS - 1 Slot
If you are intrested in joining our raid, please contact myself on Discord or on battle net.
How to get in contact
Discord - Xpeon
Battlenet - Xpeon#2199