8th July Announcement

Hoping for console port news, PC is getting on and rather play on console :stuck_out_tongue: one can dream hehe

I wouldn’t like it. MMOs that are usable on consoles are mechanically less interesting than computer-only MMOs.

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That being said … :open_hands:“Ion Hazzikostas” © 2016-2020


i wonder when this expansion will actually release.
It’s 6 months of 8.3 already and this patch has grown stale.
We are entering a content void period where nothing is happening.
These voids historically lasted a very long time, the worst offenders were MOP and WOD with over a year of no new content after the last major patch released.

I hope BFA content void won’t be a full year long. November SL release is a pipe dream but possible.

They’ve said on or before 31st December 2020 and I’m pretty sure there’s legal ramifications if they go back on that.

Forum watch party anyone? :smirk:


Not really.
They did it with Warcraft III Reforged.

But it’ll be out by the end of the year for sure. October - December, depending on your guesstimate.
The Alpha has all the zones except The Maw. Then there’s a dungeon and a raid missing.
The rest is systems design and balance and tuning, which are always the last parts of the development process, and which tends to get pushed through much faster than people imagine.
So far it doesn’t look like any internal release date Blizzard may have, is in jeopardy. Which is positively surprising given they’re all working from home.

If anyone hear strange distant girlish scream of excitement, I apologize you all in advance.

Cuz smh a random actiblizz dude would do a better job than an active mythic and vanilla raider ?

Firing Ion is more or less a lottery, with most of the options being worse than what we currently have.

Happens all the time, looks bad on them but that’s about it.

I’d personally rather have ‘released when ready’ than ‘rushed to meet a deadline’.


Is stream on YouTube or Twitch?




It’s just a matter of PR at this point.

Cyberpunk 2077 could be delayed until 2022 and people would still praise them for doing so (a least until they can play the game and see if it was worth the wait) while Blizz was under attack for delaying W3R for a few months… Well turns out it should have been delayed even longer

Issue is that BFA will be a thing as long as they work in SL so every delay will have a cost on the company.

do you guys think we will hear a TBC server announcement or will it just focus on Shadowlands only ?!

Cant wait for more store mounts and pet battle improvements!

Since the title says shadowlands, i doubt there will be any other info.

They say it’s a SL event but Blizzard have a habit of backtracking in recent months so who knows!

Even if they say TBC is coming no more info for now i’d be happy. Ofc i’m excited for Shadowlands aswel but TBC /Wrath servers is the alternate WoW i would very much like to play over Classic.


I highly doubt that we’ll get anything on tbc until the shadowlands hype dies down. They wouldn’t want to split the playerbase. They’ll probably rather get people back to retail with shadowlands and then get them back later with tbc again.

Nothing stopping them from mentioning it, but I doubt it will be the focus of whatever announcement they give us.

Nice trolling ! countdown finished just for another 15min countdown to start :rofl: :joy: