8th July Announcement

Daylight saving time just messes up everything, Russia had the right idea canceling it.


I wish we would get rid as well

ty guys <3


Doubt the UK will in the near term and by extension the Republic of Ireland due to how close they are.

The EU parliament voted last year to scrap the mandate so it’s possible that once it gets approval from the council of ministers most member states will opt to end the tradition in 2021.

Fun fact about time zones:

UTC is the name of the time standard used in most of the world to regulate clocks and time.

UTC stands for Coordinated Universal Time. The reason for the weird acronym is that it’s actually a compromise between English CUT (coordinated universal time) and French TUC (temps universel coordonné).

Most English speakers refer to UTC as GMT. However, this is wrong for technical purposes as the most widely accepted 0° meridian deviates slightly from the Greenwich meridian.


Name checks out on this smart gnome. :+1:


In 50 years time, England and Wales will still be following Daylight Saving but everyone else in Europe will have abolished it!

Any chance they announce TBC Classic for once?

Hope not. That’d be a real disappointment. I hope the announcement(s) are about Shadowlands and/or the pre-patch. Anything else; couldn’t care less.

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Edit: seems like it’s about Shadowlands though, so any other topic that might come up will probably only be addressed briefly.


Probably :smile:

I believe the last time the UK wanted to change it the Scots objected. But I could be remembering wrong.


After they mention one of the most repeated complaints: “The developer team is happy with it”.

No you’re right, but I’m thinking Scotland will be in the EU in 50 years time.

Stop being so grumpy !! TBC would be fun but I cant see it being talked about now tbh as classic hasn’t even been out a year yet ,I can see it being talked about in something about Nov time like and online Blizzcon .

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But that would mean alliance bias right and there is no such thing !! :wink:


They will have to sort a lot of stuff out before the EU will take them. But possibly.


I hope they will announce to re-work shaman defensive abilities and mobility in PVP! It’s time! They have suffered long enough. And blizzard has endless threads about crying shamans … so act!

They are in the alpha fyi, spawned in their area of the new city.

Last time I checked (well not alpha tester but seeing alpha footage) it had PH gear and an option to upgrade gear with conquest with a similar interface than benthic, which means no more weird upgrade tokens from BFA

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How about the Unix timestamp? :smiley:

This should be quite informative! I’m looking forward to seeing what the devs have in store for us. :slight_smile: