9.0 Class redesign suggestions

every “mini area” spell doesn’t fit into the game anymore. Most things are now a dance contest and that means 10y aoe ground spells are pretty useless in high lvl content. It has a little place left in raiding but in m+ and pvp it is just bad to use.

same goes for earthen wall, star fall, healing mushroom etc.

Spirit link and dnd might be an exception because it has some instant effects on it (meaningful, 90% slow, health transfer)

honestly they should replace healing rain with 20s cd downpour from legion (artifact, forgot the name)

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I liked the Ele with low movement and gust where you had to plan your movement. I would also like if our Mastery have a bigger impact as it does now.

Some ideas what they could change for 9.0 (or 8.3) would be (just stuff that comes in my mind ofc not every idea is good):

  • Kick or debuff Icefury. It should be a good Talent for movement and not allways awesome in ST.

  • Change Spirit wolf max stacks to 8-10

  • Overload can tigger Overload

100 Talents
  • Ascendance increase Elemental fury by a amount of critical strike chance
  • When you hit an Enemy that is Flameshocked and Ascendance is aktiv with Earthshock, Lavasurge proccs.
  • Stormkeeper: For the next 2 Lighning Bolts Elemental Overload Damage is increasted by 450%. For the next 2 Chainlighning Mastery is Doubled (when you get over 100% it increases the dmg of Elemental Overload)
  • Buff Unlimited power by 75-100%
  • Unlimited power: After the effect ends, for each stack of Unlimited power gain Mastery for 10sec
unsorted Ideas
  • Change Elemental Blast. Make Duration and CD higher. If you cast in the last 6 Seconds a frostspell you gain Haste for Fire you gain Crit and for Lighning you gain Mastery. You can get all 3 Buffs. Elemental Overload allways gives all 3 Buffs. The buff can stack
  • Liquid Magma Totem hurls liquid magma. The magma make 60% instand and 40% over the next 2 seconds. New hits stack and refresh the Duration
  • Surge of Power: Healing Surge: the next cast Cleanse Spirit also removes all magic effects from a friendly target.
  • Surge of Power: Wind Shear (castable on friends) : A Gust of wind hurls you forward
  • Grounding Totem PvE only redirect harmful spells that are cast on yourself
  • Reincarnation refresh with every pull in Raid. ONLY IN RAID: Gives you after activation a debuff that Reduce your healing and dmg output by 6%, 20 Stacks 2 stack fall off every second.
  • Tailwind Totem. As long you dont move you gain 0,5 haste every Second up to 8 stacks. As long you move you get 1,25% movementspeed every second up to 8 stacks.
Ideas Elemental
  • Immolation from the Fire Elemental make tick “Flame shock” 20% faster & while Fire Elemental is active Flame shock cooldown is reduced by 20%
  • Earth Elemental: 10% of the dmg you take is redirected to the Elemental
  • Storm Elemental Passiv: Every Mealstrom you generate after you filled your Mealstrom bar, is not wasted, instead it Powers up the Storm Elemental and increase his dmg. After the Elemental Expired you get Enhanced increased your next 2 Earthquake or Earthshock (the extra dmg depents on how mutch you buffed the Storm elemental)
  • Storm Elemental stays longer for Each Mealstrom you generate with Chainlighning / Lighning bolt

HAHA I cant, die in a fire lmao.

Yes and can Earth Shield please become a base spell again for resto. A talent would be fine, but then that should be an empowered version that adds dmg reduction, extra healing and healing upon dmg taken.

Yeah for some reason they thought making shaman horrible for spread healing was a good idea, who ever thought of this should be ditched in the Maw when we go to Shadowlands and left there to suffer for eternity.

The problems i face while playing a shaman myself are:
Enhancement: Too many globals until you actually start doing dmg, and even then its still not rewarding at all. Proc based Stormstrikes are just not feeling as good, since you have to have low overall SS dmg to balance out the extreme proccs that occur every now and then.
Elemental: This specc for me should be heavy burst dmg. Chain Lightning as a spammable aoe spell doesnt feel good, the cooldown and high burst nature of old iterations felt much more satisfying, am all for low mobility if casts actualy matter. Earthshock burst is a really poor desing philosophy. I dont mind lavaburst porcs.
In general i feel like armor as a stat in pvp really feels like a scrapped idea and thats bad. What made shamans special in a sense was that both ele and enh had magic dmg in their kits(except Enh SS nad windfury) and that made them go through high armor classes, also their mail armor spec, made them tank more than leather/cloth users which combined with their heals and support made for the luck of mobility. We dont all need to be Demon Hunters and Monks. Thats my take on the shaman desing. I feel like thats what people loved back then and at least for me playing a shaman in bc/wrath on my first account really made me wanna log in and play all day. It was the real flavor of it and the identity. Of course thats just my take on it, people may disagree.
Also bring back mana. This whole special resource for all classes with weak generators and strong spenders take away all the old dynamic of the classes and everything just feels the same. I cant stress enough how much i hate the generator and spender design. Not every class is rogue and not every class should feel like a rogue, if u want to play and feel like a rogue you should play a rogue.
P.S bring back 2h enh and shocks for all specs.
No info on resto since ive never really played it.
On that note as a general principle, too many melee specs/classes have magic dmg nowdays which really takes away from the shaman identity.


fixed that

What kind of mana ? Afking + auto shot to regain mana is not good gameplay. Most of people are complaining about huge downtime in BFA, so I don’t see mana back for DPS.

Look at wotlk -> WoD enh shaman core gameplay. Only had mana problems if you did silly things you were not supposed to.

Also this is the shaman I want back. The shaman that felt like it is doing things instead o slapping anwet towel against an opponent… Sure it hurts, but looks lame…

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As Resto i would like some abilitys which do dmg and also heal. This is something i would realy like to see for m+. For example could Downpoor work like in legion with two effects. The first one is healing and the second one is doing dmg. Water doesnt have to be an heal only theme. Water can be dangerous too.

With this change, Shaman would get a decent aoe option and has also more options to skill. It woulnt be op and many would still rather take FF or CBT.

Dont know its just an idea to help us a bit in things we realy struggle at. (aoe dmg)

give me back moving light bolts 3 charge strom keeper pls power of mealstrom

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While I agree with some of the Enhancement changes you suggested (let’s be honest here, spamming of flashy button gets stale within 5 minutes), remember it is Enhancement after all. The focus should be overall enhancement of abilities when certain conditions are met, not solely windfury rng. You have to remember one of the reasons Enhance has been awful this xpac is how severely dependent it is on rng.

Maybe more focus on windfury, but keep buff-focused abilities as the core (flametongue/primal primer, hailstorm, natural harmony etc). Those two azerite traits combined makes for a more interesting Enhance playstyle, it would be expected to see something akin to them staying in 9.0, allowing for Stormstrikes use being “hits multiple times for faster primal primer stacks” as opposed to just “hurr durr more damage”. Obviously this would be a far better flowing playstyle without awful stormstrike procs everywhere.

Stormstrike used to “enhance” lightning bolt/chain lightnin/heal/hex
Searing totem used to “enhance” lava lash
Unleash elements “enhanced” flame shock, fire nova, elemental blast
Fire nova “enhanced” flame shock to explosive results
Lava lash "enhanced flame shock to burn all enemies…
All abilities had some sort of synergy between each other. What do enh shamans have now? Stromstrike that procs off itself? Gtfo with this nonsence

who care ele need rework right now as well want back moving spell not bound stand still all time like turrert

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