9.0 Leaks, The Shadowlands

cause most leaks which are hundreds of for evry expac,just not all get some attention. are false. And you could make soemthing up and still be right just due chance(like if gave monkey a type machine/pc it would eventually type the decliration of independence due pure chance or simplet broken clock is right twice a day)

Take a guess
who’s lore channels on yt starve for content.So they come up with this cirrcle jerk 4chan,and then they “cover the post”.

“Shadowlands” is already the name of an expansion from the 2001 MMORPG Anarchy Online so it is unlikely they will use this again.

Yeah already fake.


Tinkerer class does not fit to the leaked theme at all. So far all the added new classes has been highly related to the expansions theme where they were added, and Tinkerer does not fit for the ‘Shadowlands’ theme at all. Dark rangers on the other hand

But yeah, considering the source of this leak, I’d say it is highly unlikely true.

This one was fun to read. It actually was partly right.


As with any leak
bullshizzle until proven otherwise by Blizz

Leak confirmed after you read level squish postponed
atleast for me

OK, I came across a similar post in US forums. Third post contains a quote from MMO Champion and the list is quite long. It also has a summary from Reddit which seems to be the same what OP already posted in here.

If this leak contains some real stuff, I don’t believe they are going to add all those in the next expansion, but it is scattered to the upcoming expansions like the “Eye of Ashara” leaked expansion from 2016.

I’m sorry but nobody remotely decent uses 4chan. It’s full of toxic kiddies who have nothing to do with their life. I can’t take it serious.

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While you calling each an everyone got pathfinder 2 days before you in your crying post jobless and having no RL ETC is basically different from this and you shall be taken seriously right? :joy:


Nice story man.

I hope this isn’t true. There are a lot of thing I strongly dislike about it, which probably means it is true. xD (But not really, I think it’s fake)

The scaling tech remains problematic, and if they aren’t going to get rid of it, but are instead going to control our gearing up through further scaling, they’ll get rid of me along the way. There is absolutely no point giving people massive gear upgrades constantly, saying “it feels rewarding and good”, and then scaling it all out of existence. At least right now there is gear giving progression in raids. You take that away, I don’t see any point having item levels at all anymore. Just get rid of them. Enough is enough. I’m sick of this charade. Gear needs to be consistent and understandable, and right now it isn’t.

However this leak isn’t credible. Why would it be named Shadowlands if only half the expansion takes place in the Shadowlands? That’s kind of like calling Battle for Azeroth World of Warcraft: Kul’tiras.

There is also not a single instance of a World of Warcraft expansion being simply the name of a zone or continent. The closest we get are names that include the name of a place or continent, which are Warlords of Draenor and Mists of Pandaria.

The Shadowlands are where we go when we die. The Spirit Rezzer is in the Shadowlands. The grey effect when you’re dead are the Shadowlands. It wouldn’t be the first time Blizzard made a lorelol, but I highly doubt that we’ll go to a zone called The Shadowlands. It doesn’t make sense.

And yes, the Emerald Dream is different, before anyone points that out, because The Emerald Dream looks so different than the real world that only a zone can express it. We’ve already had some lorelols on it though, with the Emerald Dream having barrow dens and Tauren cities and the like, and even friggin’ Icecrown Citadel in it (for real?!). That’s really not supposed to be a thing. Nevertheless, the Dream makes sense as a zone. Shadowlands do not.

Darkfront, Morbara, and Xiros are not established anywhere in lore. Usually, when we’re to go to a place, Blizzard will foreshadow it somehow, and it’s certainly going to be a place we know of to some degree.

Also, you somehow managed to misspell Tinker as Tinkerer.

There are a few things I’m starting to buy, although. Tinkers, for one, are looking likely. Every leak features them. There must be something to it. Dragon Isles look likely also.

Beyond that though, I think most of the things here are wrong.

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I did not misspell anything, this is not my creation, I just ctrl+c ctrl+v the stuff.

I’m not sure that is true. Every time we die in WoW our soul is simply in limbo. If it were really the realm of the dead, why don’t we see the masses of spirits?

Sorry, bad pronoun.


It’s definitely the Shadowlands.

As for why we don’t see a lot of dead people in there - that’s a very good question. I presume that it’s because of lack of development. Blizzard stated a long time ago that they put 20 quests for dead players into Classic World of Warcraft. Only 2 of them were found, so they probably decided that “death gameplay” was not something they wished to pursue and, given that, they probably decided it wasn’t worth doing much work on it.

They also enabled Shamans to see the dead in the Classic beta. This was also removed because it allowed Shamans to instantly oneshot people before they were even able to resurrect because dead players have 1 HP, which was obviously pretty frustrating.

Of course Blizzard could have decided to make the Shadowlands a continent, but it would be massively, massively ridiculous.

  1. You are the first one here, who instead of shouting FAKE, engages with someone in theorycrafting. I love you for that.

  2. We know that the Emerald Dream is the representation of Azeroth without any kind of incluence by others. We also know that the Emerald Dream has areas that cannot be found in Azeroth. What is more we know that the Shadowlands is the exact opposite of the Dream. By that logic the Shadowlands can have an area where all the souls are drifting toward. If you have seen the map in the leak, it show that several rivers (of souls) are floating to somewhere.

“I’m sorry but nobody remotely decent uses wowfora. It’s full of toxic kiddies who have nothing to do with their life. I can’t take it serious.”

fixed it for ya.

The pleasure is mine. It’s an interesting leak to be sure, even if I dislike it. It’s very easy to just shout “FAKE” without any reason - it is much more difficult to explain why it might be fake, especially when it’s got a map like that.

Again though, this is very easy to replicate. I don’t understand why the room is dark. Feels like someone just said “wow Shadowlands so cool I’ll make the room dark and have it taken in the middle of the night” as a kind of hyping tool. It’s weird. This is an internal document. Why would they try to hype each other? Surely a presentation would be taken in the light of day.

Blizzard HQ is very heavily decorated. That decoration is hard to replicate, which is probably why it’s dark, so the “leaker” didn’t have to work through all that.

I’ve also discovered a few other mistakes. There’s a cut of Dungeon symbol all the way to the right, which would mean the Shadowlands has 6 dungeons.

It’s weird that the leaker knows nothing about the Dragon Isles. It also contradicts a lot of things that Blizzard have directly said, such as the lack of a level squish, and the notion that Blizzard would accept “some power-ups just being permanent”, and then simultaneously doing more scaling to consistently squish so people “don’t get too powerful”. It doesn’t make sense.

That’s fair, but there are several problems here. Firstly, Blizzard have said that they don’t want an expansion focused on the Emerald Dream, because the theme would become same-y and stale. The same undoubtedly applies here. If all I see all around me is death-themed, that’s going to get real old real fast, and Blizzard knows this perfectly well.

Blizzard even decided against an entirely fel-themed expansion in Legion, which could easily have taken place entirely on Argus, but it didn’t. It would be too much Argus. Argus is ruined - there’s not much there of particular interest.

The map has several areas entirely covered by the logo. For an internal document, that’s pretty suspect. I don’t see any reason whatsoever why they would do that. This may be a preperation for the slides for BlizzCon, but the BlizzCon slides always have expansion-themed frames around them. It could of course be incomplete, but again
 it’s suspect.

Faking an image like this is not exactly hard either. The map can literally be created in Paint quite easily, and at that point all you need is a TV in a dark room and a smartphone.


This is an interesting point, actually. What I could see happening is the Tinker class being implemented in an Old God expansion with heavy ties to Titan technology.

As it stands, I don’t believe this leak. It looks like what somebody wants to be true more than what will actually happen.

By the look of it, the Shadowrealm is quite a contested and diverse territory. The northern bit is ruled by Helya so you can expect mainly Vrykuls there with the icky, bony and overall Greek underworld feeling. The western part by the look of it is kinda like a portal region, which is connected to both the dream and the elemental planes. That bit is most likely diverse as well. The south is ruled by the trolls, Bownsandi (or however you spell Sandy’s name) and Hakkar, so if I were to guess it is more Blood focused.
Just in 10 mins I was able to Theorycraft a more or less diverse continent for the new expac, while I’m not the whole Blizzard staff. I’m confident they will do better.

But it’s still all death-themed! I suppose you could make the argument that things that aren’t death themed are then in the Dragon Isles, but still! That’s a lot of death themes. Even Wrath of the Lich King wasn’t this Death themed or Frosty north themed, beacuse it’d be ridiculous.

Even WotLK has 4 zones with almost no snow and almost no Undead (Sholazar, Borean Tundra, Howling Fjord, Grizzly Hills), and a 2 more with almost no Undead (Wintergrasp, Storm Peaks) and then there’s Crystalsong Forest, also with no Undeath, although that one’s a bit unfair to include.

On top of this, the Shadowlands has this Undeath white-black filter to it. Can you imagine going through an expansion of that? I mean sure they could do another friggin’ lorelol while they’re at it and remove that, too; but again, it’s ridiculous.

Also, I find it incredibly hard to believe that Ny’alotha is in the Shadowlands. It’s deep beneath Azeroth, not in the Shadowlands. That makes no sense to me at all.

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