Hi, this is something new to me
9 days average waiting to respond to my ticket!!
srsly I open a ticket because someone scams me 400k golds
and when I open the ticket it was average waiting 7 days, now 2days later it increased to 9 days +
( average ticket wait time: 8 days 22 Hr )
what is going on in here!!
is it like this to everybody or is it just me
because I have read some posts about the tickets waiting time and people are complaining from long waiting and when I check how long they wait it was 3 days !!!
" Blizzard customer service concern as staff accept cash to exit Irish hub"
and i thought it was outragous that i had to wait 3 days to appeal a in game silence that lasted 48 hours, ouch
guess what,
when I make this post the time in my ticket was
( average ticket wait time: 8 days 22 Hr )
now I checked again and its increased @_@
( average ticket wait time: 9 days 21 Min )
well I’m starting to have a bad thoughts about this lol
no wonder the scammer did it with a smile knowing who is in his side
If you got scammed when trading an item then blizzard can help, if you bought a dungeon service and got scammed they cannot help you.
since when blizzard starts to take scammers side!
I indeed bought EP hc full semi guild run with 6 traders
and when we enter he trade me so I trade him the gold
since his guild was 7/8 mythic I thought he is legit
but it was pug raid, and extremely fail pug dying on trash mobs
I whisper him and told him where is the semi guild and traders?
he ignores me and continues to the first boss and we barely kill him so many people left so I ask him to give me my gold back and when he gets better group he can inv me again and guess what he says
( do you think when guild take your gold to boost you they will give it back )
where is the guild in this situation!!!
let me add 1 more thing to spice things up
when I told him I’m going to open a ticket and he can deal with blizzard for this scam
he literally told me
( go ahead I know few people )
so if I lose 400k to someone I have evidence of him scamming me fully knowing blizzard will take his side
then what is the point of me keep playing this game
I have been playing this game since TBC with only a few stops here and there not to mention the rest of blizzards games
this is the first time ever I’m feeling blizzard will take scammer side because of what you just say
Blizzard aren’t taking the scammer’s side, it’s just that no transactions are supported unless they take place using the facilities provided (the trade window). This has always been the case. It’s impossible for Blizzard to police other trading methods, especially as many take place outside the game.
By all means keep your ticket open but it’s very unlikely you’ll be refunded.
the trade and agreement it was inside the game, lucky I took a print screen of our whispers and the situation in the raid.
if they don’t support the people who get tricked by this kind of scammers
why they let them in the first place to freely sell boosts in trade chat.
Because unsupported does not mean prohibited.
The scammer may get a vacation and perhaps lose the gold he received. But the chances of you getting yours back are very slim.
so what you are trying to say.
with all the evidence I have, it’s still a lost case for me and he will walk away with 400k and smile knowing blizzard law on his side
Not what I said but whatever…gl nontheless.
He may get the gold removed, but that is the best outcome for you, you will not get it back.
so I got scammed and lost chunks of gold
and the worst-case scenario for him is gold be removed…
gold worth 2 tokens so it’s not a big deal, but my big issue is him getting away with what he did.
sometimes the meaning is what crawls under your skin, not the worth of what you lost.
If Blizzard find in their logs that he did make promises he did not keep (i.e. scammed you) then they will take the gold from him and will hand him an account penalty, we won’t know what form that penalty will take, but they wont just ignore the issue.
The moral of this story is… don’t place your trust (or 400K gold) in strangers.
best answer
thank you so much for your reply
what you just say make me feel way much better than before thinking he will get away with what he did
Hello Xelite!
Really sorry to read about what happened to you
I am afraid this is not something we can investigate via Forums so I can’t really comment on the case, I can confirm however that if a scam is verified we do take action against the offending party.
You can find a few more details regarding our stance with scams in general here.
As for the waiting time for tickets, the queue is indeed a tad long at the moment, rest assured however that our GMs are hard at work and do their best to deal with all tickets as quickly as possible. On this regard I can only thank you for all the patience you’ll be willing to give us Xelite, it’s really appreciated!
thank you very much
that’s mean no matter how long I wait
the right will take its place
I appreciate your reply Felranys
Thank you