+9 servertime players thread (China/Japan)


I am unsure as to if there are any other players out there in the same situation I am in. I currently play from a location which is servertime +8, and intend to do so for the duration of classic. Is anyone else in this situation? This will make raiding somewhat difficult for us I am sure, and to negate this it would be great if we could congregate together. I currently play alliance on this server.

Feel free to add me on discord if you wish to get in contact! Hardony#6141

Just curious why/how you ended up in EU region then? I’d imagine NA would fit better for that timetable.

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My guess is probably the EU region was more advertised to him then NA so he’s playing here so I guess welcome to EU.But I don’t get why didn’t he play on US region since it’s more his time zone.

I’m originally from the UK so all my irl friends play EU.