9.0.5 next week

Nice, can’t wait for the 15% buff to Final Verdict that’s already hitting me for 20k+.



But what you probably don’t know is that the Templar’s Vindication conduit was fixed too. :slight_smile:

I would guess it realise week after 40 renown is achievable

I’m not seeing any changes to that anywhere.
Not in any patch notes or the WoWhead changelog for 9.0.5

17th then. Not that it makes the slightest bit of difference to me, alas. Hopefully it will be good for some.

Undocumented change ofc, was tested by the community and it’s fixed.


Undocumented changes are so frustrating.
And based on those screen shots that’s a huge buff. I don’t understand why they’re buffing it, I’m already being 1 shot. :frowning:

Well, you’re kinda undergeared tbh, you only have 28k hp and your versa is kinda low… not that i can talk, when i usually had 10% versa in pvp gear, recently got 16-17% and i feel more resilient.

Also just to compare a guildie had 32% versa and i only had 10%, That means his damage is increased by 32% against me and reduced by 5% due to my versa, so 27% more damage.
On the flipside my damage is increased by 10% against him but due to him having 16% damage reduction, my damage is actually reduced by 6% against him.

So literally due to our versatility my damage is reduced by 6% while his is buffed by 27% against me. As such versatility has a huge impact on how we deal damage to various players.

And yes… i hit TV’s for 3kish on priests with wings up sometimes. I need more versa, a lot more, and so do you.
Ilvl’s matter a whole lot in terms of stats too.


Next patch is going to suck.

WW nerfed
Enhance buffed (like what?)
Still no Arms nerfs
Paladins nerfed across the board
resto druids overbuffed
Holy priests buffed (they are already super strong just slept on)
Ele shaman buffed (again what???)
Rogues still suck, just CC bots
Balance Druids still one shotting ppl out of stealth and 40 yards away
All Hunter specs still suck

It’s like Blizzard pvp balance team doesn’t play their own game.


Sweet, gimme dat 0.1% mana cost reduction!


Not really. They buffed Chain Lightning, Earth Quake and Earth Shock. Two of those ability are really used in PvP and Earth Shock is not part of the burst rotation, while Lava Burst gets nerfed by 10% which is a huge part of the burst.

That’s mostly just a PvE buff, specifically a M+ buff.

Shame it’s a non-patch.


Don’t forget that 32 % versatility gets buffed 40 % with pvp trinkets making it 44 % or something :slight_smile:

That too, though idk if the effect works only when engaged in pvp combat if you have both trinkets, or if you can see it even when out of combat.

You can’t see the buff.

I hate hidden stuff so much… at least my talents change their #'s when in bg’s/arenas.

Most likely the 16th US and 17th EU .

I reckon 2 weeks at least, not excited though. I don’t think Valor is enough at this point as it stands.

Everyone should be able to upgrade to 207 via valor if they run M+ (lower you do the more you have to run so it takes longer but everyone has a chance at their own pace) but everyone and their alts has a reason to do it. I also think unranked conquest should be buffed to 207 as well (you farm conquest via any method you can get 207)

Put work in get stuff out, the higher you put in the more/quicker it comes out. Its not a hard concept. (and of course they all kept below ‘real players’ so casuals know their place!)

My non-meta build will be buffed … a lot! :heart: