90min deserter from solo shuffle bug (help asap)

Hello. I just got a 90 minute deserter because I got kicked out of a shuffle match due to a bug. Now I can’t play the game for 90 minutes because of a mistake by Blizzard. I’d need someone to look into this and remove this debuff from me because I didn’t leave a shuffle and it happened for the second time today…

I also didn’t lose rating or anything, just got kicked out of the shuffle and got left with that deserter. Need support asap

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Unfortunately the deserter debuff for leaving or getting kicked out, is intentional, and not a bug, nor will support intervene.

Although, didn’t it used to be 15 minute? Not 90 minutes? I think we do need some clarification on that part.

Uh no it’s most certainly not intentional that you randomly get kicked out of the lobby after a round. It just puts you in a loading screen and you have the deserter after.

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I said the DESERTER debuff is intentional.

I never said anything about it being normal to get kicked out. Stop trying to put words into my mouth to embiggen yourself.

Pointing out the obvious doesn’t help the situation at all

Today i had the exact same thing happening. Did 10 games of solo shuffle and 2 games i got kicked out with deserteur buff of 90 minutes. I whispered the people i played with and they all got the same deserteur buff and the rounds we played didnt count. Plz fix this Blizzard. Cant play for 90 minutes twice when im paying for the game and never left solo shuffle.

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I had the same issue its disgusting i was on a winstreak … and the timer goes everytime higher lol

Exactly same happened to me. I raised 2 tickets. Got reply to remove my addons. What???
Check Reddit it impacts hundreds of players.
Blizzard fix this pls! I’m sitting on 90min deserter and I did NOT leave!!
I hope they fix and let is know when it is safe to play shuffle again.