9.1 PTR - losing travel form glyphs

So in the updated PTR I noticed Blizzard are removing most, if not all glyphs related to travel form.

  • Glyph of the Cheetah
  • Glyph of the Doe
  • Glyph of the Dolphin
  • Glyph of the Humble Flyer
  • Glyph of the Orca
  • Glyph of the Sentinel
  • Glyph of the Tideskipper

All of the glyphs mentioned above will be removed according to the PTR. Anyone got any idea why they are doing this? Could they be releasing new glyphs in 9.1?

I dont get why Blizzard would remove the flavour glyphs bring to druids. As primarily a druid main since TBC. I love running around as a cheetah and swimming as an orca. How are glyphs and the flavour they bring an issue to Blizzard?

I would assume this is because you can now select the forms in the barber shop? It would be completely ridiculous to remove the actual forms… (not that this means it wouldn’t happen).

Didnt think of that lol. Makes all the sense in the world

You still can’t choose the apparence of your aquatic and both travel forms in the barbershop tho…

Seriously? I would have sworn you can…

/Add: Wowhead claims you can… will check myself later.


must’ve forgot it on the way

Barber good man. A little off of the fin.

Select flying form : bear. Are you sure. Yes.

Leaps from air ship.



You can, if you have bought and used the glyphs after the new barbershop came around. On my new KT druid I can choose between all aquartic forms and cheeta, spite I haven’t had glyphs on him.

It makes sense if they just put it all in the barbershop. However I do hope that they add new glyphs to the game then. (and new moonkin form/s pwease Blizzard)

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