9.1 PTR MMA Nerf

Well Sin already get 50% crit MMA talent. I can see doomblades and that being taken.

Having only 2 guaranteed crits will drastically change the build and play style of sub. Unless changes are made to base damage. Gloomblade should be baseline as backstab is horrid.

This might force sub back to one dance. Which is not fun waiting 40sec between kills to be much use.

Let’s wait and see what ptr changes bring over next few months. 40% nerf seems to much.

what are you talking about lil paladin? u can one shot everyone with your awfull 1 button spells and u havent been touched at all so please leave this post and go whine on reddit like everyone does when he gets killed by a rogue because he doesnt know how to counterplay it.

If you knew how Check PVP worked you’d realise this guy is a 2.1k rated rogue as well.

Please keep the discussion relevant and constructive.

good point. the really explosive 3 global burst of flag->evis->mfd evis with offensive vanish is unaffected by this change.

to be clear about the global thing higher up, what i meant was that the first couple globals from stealth go towards stuns basically every time, at least in a 3v3 context. stunning 2 is the general baseline, 3 is common. only stunning 1 and having a restealth does happen but it’s not a particularly common occurrence.

my best guess is that shadowdust will be the general pick and you keep MA in your back pocket for 1 dance or something. or maybe the consistently okay rotten.

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MA might still be fine for Sin. You setup your bleeds, gain 5CP. Shiv, vanish(or meld), flag, envenom, MFD envenom. That still allows every bleed rolling to crit and flag/both envenom.

The same could be applied to sub.

I’d just like to see a baseline increase to damage or give the MA talent from sin to sub. But not in the same tree as nightstalker / subterfuge.
70% crit chance on openers would be fine if we had another legendary option.

See how PTR pans out.

It wouldn’t surprise me if they entirely forgot the talent existed for Assass when making the lego.

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Well considering it’s a class wide Lego and not spec specific I kinda have to agree with you. How could they make a Lego for assassin that is just a buffed talent. Odd

Good change, a guaranteed kill on anyone without a trinket makes it too easy for rogue’s.

I think you misunderstand how Rogues work. They only gain this benefit when stealthed or vanishing - A rogue can still kill you with Shadow Blades + Shadow Dance easily, without MMA (e.g. they didn’t stealth or vanish. The Extra Crit from this legendary is less useful for people playing a “fair” game and more beneficial to people playing a one-shot build.

What people are getting at is that this was still the only real option for rogues, despite being actually quite boring/poor. now it’s been nerfed, without giving another viable, “fair” legendary option. This will push more rogues into playing cheesy one-shot builds, which it seems most people don’t enjoy playing against.

Last time they nerfed Sub - they removes Shuriken Combo (40% bonus damage on eviscerate if you hit 5 targets) to prevent effective funneling into one boss and gave slight increase to Shuriken Storm base damage (which still was nothing). Then they left speck for dead for 1.5 years.

We Do Not Trust Blizzard to do proper adjustments until we see them with our own eyes!

Unless we scream now and scream loud and often - we’ll be useless (again ) in PvP as well as PvE.

That’s because you only get the shield when you enter stealth. Entering vanish isn’t entering stealth. Even on live, and since day one, if you Vanish you do not get the shield. You get it when the vanish buff ends as it is when Stealth triggers, granting you the shield. So no need to worry there !

That talent is, and has always been, horrible, Doomblade or not. You shall pick Subterfuge on that row with Doomblade, and also with MA unless you go the extra cheese way and try Nightstalker just to see one big number.

We need to see if we need to change leggo for pvp when this comes live

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