One must admit Night Elves fans are very vocal about how there must be sufficient compensation for Teldrassil and Darkshore. Personally I hope there is sufficient compensation for Dazar’alor and Rastakhan at some point. We all have things to ask the devs and eventually we’ll only get what they’ll be willing to give us so there’s no point saying “they can’t just leave it at that” - because actually they totally can lmao
That’s right. Compared to other races, some of which are neglected for ages and not used when they should (like draenei having affinity for magic and achieving a lot on their homeworld because, among other things, being in tune with the world-soul, yet what role do they play in the field where no other race have even close to that amount of experience / skill? That’s right, they are not, as it’s not convenient for the narrative).
Does not make terrible handling of stories past the initial hype phase the elf-related problem.
In covenant stories? Well, you have drust tied to kul tirans, with comically little, but there is some. Both Kael’thas and Vashj are important characters for the origins of blood elves. Some orc themes, with more to come (more than just Draka saying things while doing world-quests, and Olgra finally being found). Humans of course, be it Mograine, or Uther, and how “human potential” is about to invalidate the basis of the Bastion, plus set ups to rescue Anduin, I guess there are people who likes how his character sucked out the air out of the alliance, and affected Baina and others (making them so lovely and great characters that so many people enjoy, right?).
No. It’s being the developers ignoring things they with whenever they want, and pushing the story in a direction that irritates players just because it is convenient for whatever they planned in the future.
That is not the plot people asked for, so there is not much point in complaining about elves. If anything, the terrible handling of things is the usual story approach, and the night elf debackle just highlights the nonsense of the situation, and exposes how bad some things are.
idk, every time I visit Torghast or the Maw, I open cages of pandaren, kul tirans, and others. Most avoiding the horde. Except trolls. Trolls are cool.
They are not acknowledged by the narrative as named NPCs or something but in Bastion you can see all kinds of souls, from forsaken to lightforged. Wouldn’t be a stretch to me to imagine that kyrians are more liberal in that approach. I save souls (a handful at a time), and I see a bunch of souls.
Read Elegy. It was from the get go presented as seeking for justice. That is the story blizzard sold.
By the light of the moons,
By the flash of our blades,
By the song of our arrows,
We shall triumph—
Or we shall fall.
The winds that sigh through it now are the cries of the dying
And this song,
This lament
For horrors unspeakable,
For cruelty unimaginable,
For the life and the beauty and the grace that once were
And shall never be again.
There was no choice.
No doubt.
No regret.
No pain in the Lady’s light, in the Lady’s love. Mother and child both slept, breathing gently despite the smoke. Her duty faithfully discharged, Astarii allowed her own eyelids to flutter closed.
There will be justice, one day, but eyes other than ours will behold it.
And then it was sweeped under the rug, because blizz got their money and decided “ah, f it. Why bother? We got money from what we promised. Why deliver? Let’s just do something else”.
Now, there is no Afrasiabli in blizzard, which is a good step forward for such treatment of their customers. But even though I am far from caring about night elves much, this things does not exist in the vacuum.
Awfulness you see in stories exposed as bright as ever by the way they handle night elf story. And what I am talking about, is that story-telling is not a thing to be defended, even though I have no personal interest in the parties involved. If there will be nothing spoken about it, this plague will continue. And will ruin eventually things you liked too. Even more so than what happened to Sylvanas and the forsaken. Just let the devs get away with it, and the price for that decision will not be avoided.
What I am given what I do not need, writers spending time is not appreciated. Next time you order coffee in a cafe and get juice, I guess you should be happy because the chef spent time making a juice you do not need, right?
Biggest problem the faction story has is that nothing have consequences till it’s convenient for the devs, and nothing have meaning. And now, not only alliance was not allowed to be on the offence because they’re doing something shady, like mentioned many times first strike of Genn in Stormheim, but not even when it is justified.
So no, the biggest problem, is that injustice that Anduin and others commited by signing a peace with the horde and calling war criminals (if the devs insist to pull in irl moral in the story for some reason) “heroes”.
Some souls can’t be restored. And the story nullifies any pay of after selling the whole story on
There will be justice, one day, but eyes other than ours will behold it.
We’ll see where it goes. Too early now. But if they allow Sylvanas to just walk away, not even a modicum of decency would be left in people using false advertisement and manipulating emotions for profit.
If none of the above counts, then I wish Blizzard stopped pandering to this never ending list of demands.
There is not a single demand, other that:
- if you advertise something, sell exactly what is advertised.
- narrative convenience of no consern. Made a choice - follow it up.
The end. The rest of things you try to attribute to me is pointless as it have nothing to do with me. If you’re willing to defent trash-tier writing - you do you then. Don’t complain about what was done to Sylvanas. Since apparently selling her character traits and then throwing it away is a good thing according to what you’re arguing for in this thread.
If you make a choice to not use this wave of push on the devs to get more attention to the players and enough respect to follow up things and not do false advertisement, but instead to fight against it and allow the devs to get away with horrible things done, to elves, to forsaken, to Sylvanas, to orcs, to dranei (on the horison), to wave away Talanji’s concern as not worthy attention, and so on - so be it.
But next time we get another doze of , be sure you made effort to protect the devs in going in that direction.
I honestly arguing that the devs treating characters as disposable with no pay off for what is done to them, and throwing away story lines whenever they feel like, that are butchering races, characters, and what made game good to begin with, is a horrible narration.
The same role as what you’re saying is good enough to consider night elves getting a good enough pay off. 'Cause it’s not. Not by a long shot, after the promo stuff that was used.
And the same was done with the horde. After dragging the faction through all of that, 2 times, you’re given the council as a magical pill that should make you happy and consider yourself better beings. With forgetting what happened, also no pay off or cotinuation is needed.
In the same way as ignoring the “justice for the events that started the war” is fixing these problems, yes. It is bad. I am talking about how bad it is and that things are not in the vacuum. Thus horribleness propagate across all parts that are touched.
It’s just easier to show on the elf case. But it’s just a part of overall list of troubles handles by the devs in a horrible way.
You got the council. Probably you never asked for it, but hey,
if the devs calls having a warchief a biggest problem of the horde, and then proceeds with removing this position, it fixes all horde problems, right?
Because you yourself advocating accepting bait and switch and just moving on as nothing happens. If forgiving everything, and justifying a slaughter is what you consider a good enough resolution, you yourself will not get any better from the writers you defend. Pick whatever you prefer.
gl hf
They used to be but very little left. I guess that’s a win in the eyes of some.
Personally, to me the false advertising is infuriating. That is my sole motivation.
(Draenei forever! Yrel did nothing wrong! Well, trolls are cool too, but not as cool).
If the playerbase silences or downplays the bait and switch done with the elves - I am certain, that would be very unlikely. And that would be pretty danm bad for the story IMO.
They can, sure. But there is no Afrasiabi in the lead anymore. And there are few minor changes in rhetorics in general (from “wait and see” to “yeah, yeah, we’re kind of listening”). Money is the only argument the company understands, but that’s something.
gl hf
Well it’s good that she is no longer dying. It’s just that the whole Night warrior has been so increadibly underwhelming. She goes through the whole ritual thing, but can barely defeat a guy with a bow, with Malf’s help. She then dissapears for the rest of the expansion, throws herself into the shadowlands, does basically nothing of importance in the maw, and finally loses the supposed power she was given. We have gone full circle, and achieved nothing. Perhaps all that supposed power will be used for something great and interesting, and maybe the Night elven souls will actually be of importance. But for now, where just left with the feeling of dissapointment.
As much as I want them to leave timey wimey stuff behind, I still hope Yrel eventually shows up. The little information we have makes it clear she’s the villain but it’s decently safe to say there’s something shady behind her going full “convert_or_die” mode. The Mag’hars seemingly have no clue what she means when she says they doomed Draenor though so it’s probably something like Naaru corruption and Light fanatics twisting her mind
With the current story team, I would not be surprised. However, if you talk to the regular mag’har soldiers who share their lines, one of things they say is
We bested the primals. We will bring down any foe.
The whole reason breakers were even created by Aggramar, is because supposedly without balance just primals will devastate the land. So it continued existing because of the balance between breakers and primals.
If mag’har vanquished primal, that was both impressive, and foolish, since becoming new Outland would be the only future that would remain for the alt-Draenor.
Where will it all go. Honestly, given what I see, I have no expectations. At least I have a laugh and occasional fun chatting about things. Not sure it’s worth the subscription price though, we’ll see how it goes.
gl hf
All the examples you give are grasping at the smallest of details, in a way that barely holds.
Like, you are trying to count as Kul Tiran development the fact that we fight the Drust?
Sorry, but there is simply no way around it. We don’t need to go to such lengths in order to note the obvious and notable Night elf presence in the story. We have their leader as protagonist, as well as her second, and the likes of a literal death goddess specifically addressing their plea.
There is really no argument to be had about it: they are far more featured than any other playable race.
Do you want me to quote all those complaints that argued how Blizzard hated Night elves and how badly they had it because they were now doomed to spend an eternity in the Maw, or how they would make Tyrande die as Night warrior?
Are you really trying to argue that plots that are specifically created as a way to counter the harm done, and spare the leader from dying, count for NOTHING just because of some weird complex that demands they ALSO get to have their particular participation in some other plot?
Do you really not hear how entitled you sound for expecting such?
There are several races that aren’t even getting half of this care.
Nothing regarding the reconstruction of Lordaeron.
Two racial leaders down, with zero hints at improvement.
Spades of dead characters, and themes that lay in ruins.
And in the meantime, we shall all enjoy about an edgy tale about how we MUST enter the Maw to rescue Night elf souls because they are somehow instrumental for the cosmos. The rest can stay there and rot.
Oh, and of course we will also have an additional quest that has us save the Night elf leader after having her take on dark powers.
Rastakhan? Saurfang? Sylvanas? Nah, they can remain dead or in the line for the chopping block.
We must of course focus on saving Tyrande. Again.
Because Valsharah wasn’t enough apparently.
You don’t need a story that saves Night elf souls and Tyrande from dying???
Given these sort of stances, I’m starting to wish the do.
Like, it’s reaching such an obnoxious level of entitlement, and disregard about the privileged situation Night elves are in narratively speaking, that I’m starting to wish that Blizzard ceased to try to appease.
What would be the point? They apparently can have tons of positive development go their way, and yet keep on grasping at anything in order to excuse how they need more.
And no, this isn’t getting the attention of “let’s villain bat the crap out of them and burn it all for the sake of creating raiding fodder”.
Here, we have a story that not only salvages some of the damage done to the race, glorifies it as important to the setting, saves their leader from certain doom, and creates a custom made experience to make them feel heroic on a cosmic scale.
But no, it’s not enough.
Having the other races play second fiddle to it all is irrelevant. Putting emphasis on such problems above those of everyone else, is irrelevant.
No, they need more.
If the devs make a choice of the narrative style as “a little bit of everything and a whole lot of nothing”, that is a usual a pretty miserable state of things.
There are no lengths, as the covenant stories are linear and locked behind renown. I can’t get my soulbinds without having to do all the story there is. It’s not like it’s possible to miss it.
So? IMO there should be more races, who are connected to the afterlives story, and more characters. The whole covenant campaign can be done in 1 evening, so, it’s not like there is a lot of content to begin with. Just like with order halls the devs for some reason locked parts of story away, and then still converge them because they can’t sustain such development style. Speaking of trying to bite more than one can chew.
I am reading forums on a regular basis since like last july, so I’ve seen some. You can quote of cource if you think that it would allow us to find out more about what is bad about the story, and what could be done better.
And yes, elves are still a narrative tool.
Some are permanently warped / destroyed. That was a part of markering about the Shadowlands. “Look, Sylvanas is soooo bad, you should totally forget about the rest of the horde that stood next to her”. Guess what, to a degree it worked. Question is, how will the follow what they sell.
Not really. The whole thing is because Anduin can’t be wrong, and the “Crossroads” is what the devs are biased to and present as unquestionably correct way to go, if Tyrande would be demanding the promised justice, she would be killed for it. And guess what, if she suddenly forgives everyone, and will be fine with peace treaty, that would be throwing away all the things, both promised, for what people payed for, and with the powers that accomplished a whole lot of nothing. One of the worst stories handled by the blizz to date (night warrior one).
They promised justice, they sold the game on that concept. Wiggling away from doing for what they got money is not something you’ll hear any sympathy from me.
IMO either do what is stated, or hire people who can, instead.
All I hear is how you entitled to consider that others should pay for the development of thing, then be backstabbed by the devs and be happy about it.
It’s ok if you like the devs and what they are doing, but if you enjoy the what they do with the story, I am not obligated to ignore how they ruin things.
I am trying not to be offensive about it, but firm. And consistent.
If you consider asking for where are the things I pay money for, as entitlement - all the power to you. I’ll take a note to treat your complains in a same manner.
Do I have the power to take the dev resources and donate it to you? If I could, I would gladly see all that effort and even then some, to develop others.
Well, if it’s ok, that the night elves will get something else instead of what is promised, it is only fair if you will get there something you did not want too, isn’t it?
You got the council. Sure, it’s not what you wanted, but you yourself say that if any dev effort placed, that counts. So, put your money where your words are. You got a vastly improved horde, so what’s not to be happy about (hint: those are the same overarching problems manifesting themselves; it is not possible to defend the same position in one case, and expect it not to be deployed in others)
That’s you placing interpretation into the absence of attention.
Oh, a quest. So horrible!
In all honestly, if I could, I would allocate the dev time somewhere else.
Hey, it’s you who advocate that this treatment of story is good. I am saying that it was all not needed and (to me) worthless and misleading. So, pick something. Should I say that it’s a miserable experience, and terrible handling of the story and world building, or that I should be happy about it.
The story that was sold to me, is one about seeking justice. So
is the main thing to seek. The rest would be nice addition, but it’s not what I payed for.
You are not starting. You were talking about “fix her story through ret-cons if needed” for a while.
Hey, defend awful writing as much as you want. Don’t complain about what will be done to your favourites, then.
I don’t know. Like, if you sell a story about one thing, to actually tell that exact story?
Listen, you can have any opinion you wish, and thanks for sharing it, etc.
My take is simple: the devs took money, promoted one thing; so, there must be delivery exactly on the thing they took money for.
If that is not something you want from the software, you are free to enjoy it.
Cosmic scale barely mean much. You know how many threads there are about “I feel disconnected from the Shadowlands story”, “cosmic themes”, etc.
Sometimes kicking a nearby orc is much more satisfying that talking about some vague cosmic importance (no orcs were harmed in the process of writing).
It’s not what I payed money for, and not what was advertised.
It fells like a bit of a hypocricy to say, after
that I promoted “other races playing secondary role”.
“They” do not need “more”. They need what was promised, marketed, for what people payed, and not something else instead.
Not the devs not caring about the product. Not the devs pushing their ego for someone’s money. Not ruining what people liked to begin with. Not false adverticement. Not bending and twisting stories instead of following them and resolving.
But maybe some are happy with this take, as long as it does not touch them personally.
gl hf
You say this as though only night elf fans would be disappointed or outright angry if Sylvanas got away for free. Imagine wishing something completely nonsensical to happen in a story just so that it angers a portion of players (disregarding that it’d likely anger a great many more people).
We’ll have to wait and see, no? At this point we’ve only been told about “some role” for the Night elven souls and Tyrande. Just like we’ve been told so many things by Blizzard about probably every aspect of the game and the story. But we haven’t seen any of that so far.
I would definitely understand that you want other races to have a spotlight too, but you don’t have to pretend like the story about the Night Elves has been really satisfying. Because it has not been. There were some cool moments, buut usually they’re doused a second later (Tyrande owning Nathanos was very spectacular, but in the same cinematic they have to pull the “I triumph in the end” card).
You focus too much on the few night elf fans who are extreme and only want victory after victory. But I can tell you they are a loud, incredibly small minority.
What everyone needs is a good, engaging story. Blizzard hasn’t been able to deliver for a while now.
In a perfect world all races would get equal story progression and their time in the spotlight. This expansion night elves arguable gets more focus than the other races, true, but there is no reason to pretend they always get that.
TBC: Draenei, Blood elves and Orcs are arguable the main points. That makes sense given the setting and past events.
Wrath: humans and forsaken get more focus (same reasons as above).
Cata: there isn’t a real focus on any race in particular (or at least none really dominate the other).
MoP: Pandaren (duh), Zandalari and in the end Orcs.
WoD: ORCS and Draenei.
Legion: Draenei, Night Elves, Nightborne and HM Tauren
BfA: Zandalari, Kul Tirans the Horde&Anduin (with forsaken and night elves getting the beginning of a story but with an open ending)
Shadowlands: Night elves have the most story out of all the races, but it’s not the main plot and at best a nuisance for people who really hate night elves I guess.
The forsaken and blood elves being nowhere near the Arthas fight was a shame IMO.
Yeah, the story is not worth the price IMO.
Community if cool though. Many talented people share things they make, people share what they are passionate about. A bit heated sometimes, but the community plays a huge role in why Warcraft is a thing at all.
gl hf
No. I never said a single thing about that.
Besides, are you implying that this whole “save Night elf souls, and save Tyrande” is BAD development??
And what I call entitlement is the fact that certain people seem to argue that, regardless of the fact that Night elves are getting what could only be called, exclusive attention and constructive narrative, it all counts for nothing because there is some particular itch that it’s being left not scratched.
And meanwhile, other races are left abandoned with their glaring issues untouched, for several years at a time.
That’s, what I call entitlement.
The fact that we are working alongside every covenant, race and faction, against Sylvanas and the Jailer isn’t seeking justice?
The fact that we just invaded the afterlife to battle them isn’t seeking justice?
And given this, are you really trying to say that the whole story about saving Night elf souls, and Tyrandes life WASNT needed???
That Blizzard wasted time addressing such, while having a broader plot that involved all sorts of people coming together to fight the bad guys?
I don’t think that’s any better than complaining about getting vanilla ice cream because you wanted chocolate, while the other kid is left to starve.
So yeah, I’m bordering my limit in regards to what certain collectives want of the story.
And if they are going to complain about it regardless of what it’s done, even if it’s objectively the sort of positive development other story elements crave and require (but are negated of), then let’s all have the crap storm.
Because the rest does not matter right? Blizzard can spend whatever amount of resources they want and certain people won’t get ever enough.
Wait for what exactly?
The plot has concluded said particular bits.
Night elf souls have been saved from the Maw. Tyrande is now free of the Night Warrior curse.
She has even saved Ardenweald in the process.
There is no more “wait and see” for the constructive stories Night elves had BEFORE EVERYONE ELSE.
That bit it’s done: Night elf souls are linked to Ardenweald, they have been spared from the Maw, are apparently relevant to the cosmos, and their leader is considered instrumental to save the entire afterlife.
What’s left???!
This is only going upward. They can now also participate when we depose Sylvanas, kill the Jailer, regrow Teldrassil,…
They are on the 5 step of a 10 step plan to fix their story.
They were given exclusive content in a covenant campaign. Content everyone had to tag along for.
And yet…all I read are complaints. Complaints about this “not being exactly what I wanted”, complaints about this not being enough,…
And meanwhile, the rest of the races…what? What’s to them?
Again I’ll ask: Saving the Night elf souls and Tyrande wasn’t satisfactory?
Putting forth a premise that highlights their relevance, and addressing their issues in a way that obviously aims at mending them, isn’t something to count as constructive development?
Would you rather none of it had happened?
It’s sort of bare minimum development. I mean, they had large parts of their race killed and thrown into hell, where they would be deconstructed into stygia through immense pain and suffering. Abandoning that plotline wasn’t really an option.
Besides, they still haven’t got any justice, nor has the Alliance itself for the fourth war. So that sucks.
They are getting a fair ammount of attention in SL, sure. But that’s to make up for the really, really really bad attention they got in bfa, and all the grieviences that arose from that. It’s no doubt Blizzard’s attempt at appeasing Night elf players, but again, quite expected with how rough things were for them in bfa.
Uh uh. Not for the Alliance. Because the Horde were the ones to put those Night elves in the maw in the first place. And we sure haven’t settled that yet.
Why in all the hells and heavens should the Alliance work with the Horde after bfa, after what they did? Not even the legion managed to do as much damage to the Alliance as the Horde did.
So why do you do it then?
Wel no, simply don’t engage with those people then. There are plenty of people who point out when stuff is bad, and give praise when it’s good.
I simply wouldn’t put energy in those people, if you get so worked up over them. It’s not worth it.
Night elf souls being saved from the Maw is an absolute win, and that was a cool thing in the story.
Tyrande is free from the Night Warrior…curse yes. But it wasn’t portrayed like that at first. In the end it got the Night Elves Darkshore back and it allowed Tyrande to survive the Maw/Torghast so that we could met her a few times. But what did that add to the story?
Saving Ardenweald is cool I guess. But until a few months ago we didn’t even know about the existence of Ardenweald. Se helped save it, that’s nice (and I’m pretty sure that we may even get a cool cinematic out of it) but in the end that relates little to the Night elves themselves.
As have many others, don’t forget.
This is what I mean. We’re told they’re important, I’ve yet to see it. Tyrande is considered a savior of the Shadowlands (I personally haven’t seen this bit being stated at all). Do you see what I mean. It’s the kind of teasing Blizzard is known for but often can’t deliver.
(“You guys will definitely be surprised at who or what caused the burning of Teldrassil!” wink wink)
I’ve seen a few people bringing this up now, but I haven’t seen any story or interview or similar hinting at that.
It’s like I said, each expansion has their “protagonist” races.
You seem to be labouring under the illusion that a “happy ending” equates to a good story.
Yeah, saving the night elf souls was pretty cool and it did bring some satisfaction.
Saving Tyrande less so, I think. And it all circles back to the way they portrayed the Night Warrior idea back in BfA. A means to take revenge. This ritual is said to be dangerous, and Tyrande survives it, that’s cool. But then what happens? She more or less disappears from the story of BfA, and then she jumps in and out of focus in Shadowlands, only to then “cure her” (mind we don’t know yet what the results of that will be). Meanwhile we meet Thiernax, who also was a Night Warrior and who performed the ritual to defeat the Old Gods of their planet. It really makes the reason for Tyrande’s “ascension” seem petty and unimportant when you compare it to that.
That could have been “set right” if that power was then used to help defeat Sylvanas (who is by no means an old god, but she did enable a lot of the Jailer’s aspirations and he definitely ranks above old gods). Instead it makes taking the power of the Night Warrior not only appear selfish, but also for nought. That is problematic and yet so typical for WoW writing.
Do you see how it diminishes the idea of punching upwards the night elves would supposedly be doing?
If Tyrande had died because of the Night Warrior’s power after all that, it would have been understandable and in fact a great example of a good story. Because it would tie consequences to taking that power, but at the same time give that power and the choice in itself meaning.
Why do you think so? Night Elves had only 1 quest line that really impacts on Night Elves story. Trolls for example have 2 such quest lines + one dungeon.
Also many other races met different kind of heroes of the past, like Blood Elves prince, or those human paladins, or even Thralls mother.
How many old school Night Elves heroes do we met in Shadowlands? Maybe Fendral got redeemed just like Blood Elves prince was? Maybe some Night Elf druid will become LOA like previous Horde Warchief?
Other races are not forgotten, that’s definitely true! But we shouldn’t ignore that two main characters of the Night Elven roster are playing a role and Ysera, too, is very closely tied to the Night Elves (while also having a broader scope, true).
I think it’s fair to say Night Elves have had a bit more light on them than the other races, though. Even though it isn’t really that much more.
Most races had a “really, really, really bad attention in BfA”.
I’m not saying that Night elves were undeserving of attention. They should’ve had their OWN story bits that tackled their OWN issues.
What I’m saying is that , in Shadowlands, the attention they are receiving is so big that its swallowing what should’ve been presented as neutral content.
For those that aren’t really tied to Night elf narrative, it sort of adds insult to injury:
Not only won’t their side of the story have any development in the foreseeable future, but they’ll also be forced to tag along and experience firsthand this sort of “preferential treatment” Night elves are receiving.
The plot that made them end up there, caused the Horde fallen to go there too.
And the artificer of it all, is currently being prosecuted by both sides.
For the same reason the Horde is forced to work with the Alliance.
I end up tired of fighting the current. And if that’s the sort of language that certain people understand, so be it.
Mud fight it is.
Very little. I can give you that.
But bear in mind we’ve reached such a destructive level with the narrative, that any attempt at recuperation is a win.
Honestly, it will take quite the time to start building up a story, given most races first have to now start by rebuilding their foundations.
Moving away from NEs for a sec, lets take a look at the other races.
What would their story be about?
The most urgent matters to be tackled by most racial stories are ALL about recuperating from BfA.
So yes, in my opinion, addressing the biggest two issues derived from the worst thing that happened to the Night elves in BfA, is indeed something i’d consider as an addition.
Thing is…comparisons matter in this context.
Rather have the story make an attempt at fixing your stuff, however underwhelming it may end up seeming, or rather be left sidelined and bleeding from your many unanswered issues?
Because that’s the situation most races are in at the moment.
Here i have to take into account my own bias, but i’ll go ahead and clarify:
Tagging along a story line that deals with a neutral threat, even if it has as protagonist a certain race, is VERY different from going along a story line that has you doing the same, but only while specifically aiming at aiding the cause of a particular group of people.
I can overlook (to certain extent), going along Velen and the Draenei while fighting the Legion. I can even admit doing the same when Malfurion asks for my aid for the tenth time in Hyjal, Valsharah or wherever.
But here, the experience goes along the lines of having people from several races, that seemingly need to overlook the needs of their own (which are currently facing similar fates as that of Night elves), just to specifically aid those that in the Horde case, hate their guts.
Not exactly an enjoyable ride.
As i stated in the first post, i agree that the presentation of it all was rather underwhelming.
But bear in mind, that Tyrande is also getting the discount price for said power.
Thiernax died because of it. She did not.
And using said power to fend off the Mawsworn, saving the souls of her people, and ultimately even save Ardenweald (by creating another Tear of Elune), are in no way, small feats to be dismissed.
I’d honestly would’ve rather she had gone down in a flashy cinematic that somehow showcased all the Night Warrior might by bringing down scores of Zovaal’s minions and even wounding him in the process.
But well, the writers instead used said power-up as a building hammer instead of a war axe.
Now, Night elf souls are out of the Maw, have a future within Ardenweald, and Tyrande has been blessed by both Elune and the Winter Queen as some sort of cosmic saviour.
Pretty underwhelming if you ask me, but well…that’s DEFINITELY far more than what most other races have.
And in no way does it hamper future roles with a more “vindictive” approach regarding whatever enemy you want Night elves to kill.
I agree with that. Problem is, that is clearly too much work for Blizzard. Why do multiple storylines when one will suffice, is what they think i’m sure.
I’d say the Night elves had the worst of all, followed by the Forsaken. It makes sense that Blizzard would try and fix things that had the most backlash, WoT being pretty much universally reviled plotpoint.
Yes, of course the plot did it. But story wise it was the Horde, led by Sylvanas, that did the deed. That isn’t something i’m willing to overlook, until things are settled properly.
Thing is, the Horde did far worse to the Alliance, both in terms of damage and actions, than vice versa. So the Alliance should really not be so forgiving as they have been. You don’t brush a genocide under the carpet and call it a day.
It’s a very sorry state indeed. I have been starting to take a different opinion on that tbh. The further your favourite race is from the main story the better. And that’s really sad, but honestly races like Dwarves and Blood elves arguably have had it better over the years because no story is often better than the nonsense we’ve been seeing across the board since BfA.
This is why I’m an advocate for a timeskip of idk 10 years. It’d allow blizzard to rebuild Azeroth without having an expansion sans a big old threat.
I know I’ve said this before but sometimes I get the feeling it’s better to be left behind or get story in small quests written by interims, rather than the big stuff. Because I envision a great deal of cool plots and story for f.ex dwarves or Tauren, but Blizzard just never seems to be able to do it. That’s because they don’t understand the players. They think that a good story solely constitutes a bunch of big raid bosses and special effects.
I agree. The Horde should have had their own story. I sometimes wonder if it wouldn’t have worked better if the SL story had been an Alliance and a Horde one.
Yeah, but it’s like I said. If executed well and meaningfully, I think many people (bar extremists) could have appreciated it if she did die. We’ll have to see where it goes from here, I guess.
These two bits are gold, and couldn’t agree more:
imagine the alliance getting a story that is actually interesting, with proper conflict and dissonance
can’t do that ever. instead here’s Generic Boring Human Superhero #124,243 to lead the united front against the threats to world peace and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz