Hey thank you for reading our post
*Currently recruiting –
Also open to other classes
About us
10/10 Heroic
EoE is a fun filled guild that has been around and raiding for 13+ years now.
We thrive off raiding with people who have a calm head during progress and under stress.
Besides raiding we group up for M+, with low and higher keys.
Wednesday 2030-2300
Thursday 2030-2300
Sunday 2030-23.00 server time,
What we expect from you
We understand real life comes first but we expect all raiders to raid at least 2 times per week.
Having the right positive mindset towards raiding and the team is essential. That includes preparation, staying positive and contributing with positive energy to the atmosphere.
We expect all guild members to respect all others with in the guild, we will not tolerate toxic attitudes at all, we also expect members to be respectful of Raid decisions but are always open for feedback,
**If you would like to be considered for our guild please contact anyone within the guild for a friendly chat
Bnet- R3X3H#2651 wayne#21720
Discord - R3X3H#3922
We are a bunch of friends who left our previous guild to find a new home.
What classes we play
Druid, healer 210 item level, can also dps if needed.
Priest, healer 206 item level.
Hunter, 213 item level.
We have CN HC 7/10 experience.
What are we looking for
A friendly mature guild.
Prefered with active discord.
People in the guild which like to do M+
Druid is 840 RIO and hunter 817 RIO and looking to improve our selves in M+
Furthermore we all would like to raid in a friendly environment, but who also like to improve their gameplay.
Prefered 2-3 raid days.
Pleased to hear if we can find a new home 
Thanks for reading.
If interested.
Please reply below or please contact me at discord: Mikkolo#2181, Kim#2179
Hey , speaking to you now,
Shameful bump -
Bnet tag R3X3H#2561
Raid leader for Echo of Eternity
Still on the lookout for
Resto shaman
holy paladin
All dps classes
feel free to contact anyone in the guild for a chat
socials are always welcome
Little update here. We are still looking for Dps classes Warlock/Deathknight/ Monk/DH pref but all applications will be considered and of course socials always welcome.
Bnet- R3X3H#2651
Discord - R3X3H#3922
Another update. We are still in need for a Warlock/Monk/DH/Mage to join our raiding team. Any other exceptional dps players may also apply!
Socials always welcome
Bnet- R3X3H#2651
Discord - R3X3H#3922
Littlebeef is looking for comrade shamans to join this guild.
Go against the stream, prove we can top the charts too!
Bnet- R3X3H#2651
Discord - R3X3H#3922
Friendly bump ,
Still looking for some dps to help bolster the roster
Bnet- R3X3H#2651
Discord - R3X3H#3922
Fun fact: you can bypass the 18+ age restriction by muting one guildmember in discord.
Fun Fact,
We need you like colonol sanders needs chicken
Still need
Other classes are welcome but high prio on the above
Social always welcome
Still need
Other classes are welcome but high prio on the above
Social always welcome
Dude speaks the truth… ! Warlocks and mages where art thou?
Still looking for a couple more to boost the Dps squad… Hunters/lock/Mages/DK’s hit me up with your deets
Bnet- R3X3H#2651
Discord - R3X3H#3922
another shameful bump. Still looking for those Hunters/DK’s/Mages/Spriests/locks
Other classes are also welcome
Bnet- R3X3H#2651
Discord - R3X3H#3922
Dont you know
bump it up you got to bump it up
High Need of a resto Shaman (210 +)
Also LF Mages/DK/hunters/spriest/lock/Rpala/Rogue/monk. DPS
LF Resto Shaman priority, Also Mages/DK/hunters/spriest/lock/Rpala/Rogue/monk. Socials welcome
till looking for those Hunters/DK’s/Mages/Spriests/locks
Other classes are also welcome
Bnet- R3X3H#2651
Discord - R3X3H#3922