9.1.5 Blizz, please - Bag for main and alts

9.1.5 Blizzard, please. Give us a Shared bag for all alternate characters. 15-20 slots for all.
It’s hard and boring to send yourself letters with gold, pots, food to alternative characters every time. meh


That would be dope AF

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I’m really not a fan of all this sharing stuff, especially when it doesn’t make in-world sense.

Mailing to an alt is a minor inconvenience, you will have to log over anyway. It’s like you have to move the items you want to share to the shared bag anyway.

Also, when we get the 16 slot shared bag, people will want it bigger because nothing is ever enough.

I really think the main reason people on the forums hate the game so much is that there’s always something infinitely petty to complain about. And we like FFXIV because we don’t visit their forums, the petty complaints and suggestions don’t enter our psyche. Which in return makes our experience of the game as is kinda better.

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Arguably you could have a shared bank in the same sense that guild banks are shared by multiple characters. Other MMO’s do the shared bank idea, wow is actually just behind the curve on it and it’s a fair and reasonable suggestion.

It can completely make in-world sense. People in the real world open joint bank accounts, why can’t you and your alts (of the same faction) have a shared bank account.

Banks in the game world sense are external to your character as the items are given to an npc to store for you.

Mailing 100 odd items isn’t a minor inconvenience, considering the mailbox only holds 50 at a time and takes time to load the next lot once it’s been collected. Mailing large quantities can take a significant amount of time.

The shared bag on the other hand is a bit out of the immersion zone so I agree with that not being the way of going about it.


Take it a step further and make gear account bound, not character bound and let me collect any loot i want for any alt i want while playing my main.

I don’t mind a shared bank, that makes sense.

But then it is the same as mailing to your alt - you need to go to the place, put the items there and make sure your alt picks them up.

Ultimately it’s a minor inconvenience. Very few people have to mail 100 separate items.

But I still stand behind the idea that being on the forum ruins the gaming experience of many people, precisely due to these petty complaints.

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I’d like to have something like GW2 shared crafting mats bank.

Or simpler things, actually reduce the bank sign-ups requirement to have a guild.

Shares bags would have a lot of limitations, even x servers.

Sounds a lot like Diablo III ‘stash’…

That’s why I have all my characters in the same guild on each server; guildbank does the job. One of the main reasons why I would never again join a “normal” guild, I have too many charcters to manage otherwise. :slight_smile:


They could at least add that for previous expansions, would make t-mog farming a lot more efficent.


They need something similar as in swtor - legacy stuff. This is the most altfriendly game i ever seen. U can even send your TOP gear to alts and keep playing. U can’t even say who is ur main. U just playing the game.

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bump ТТ u ТТ

give us 40 slot bags plz

Shared consumable bags would be pretty neat tbh

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YES!!! г_г

So overdue

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