9.1.5 Blizzard logic for alternative leveling in Torghast

So, while I was praising WoW devs on 20.12.2020:

As seen, I was thinking of the ideea to be able to level a char in Torghast.

Now, almost 1 year later, the devs have “listen” to the community, and here’s the result:

The Maw intro took ~20mins to do and would give ~1 level of experience.

Now, on a 50lvl alt enhancement shaman, I’ve skipped The Maw and went straight to Torghast. The results: 16 bars worth of experience after 30mins of full clear. And that, not after clearing, but after turning in the DAILY quest :confused:

WoW Blizzard, your quarterly MAU (Maw) obsession is what is killing this game’s soul with every patch/micro patch it gets.

I’d rather spend longer doing something more engaging than the absolute horror that is modern linear MMO ‘storymode’ borefests.

Much like the awful Covenants campaigns. Painful to do even once, and I still haven’t finished it because it’s so hideous.

That should have been the beauty of different alternative leveling options.

It was really nice when PvP BG / Arena Skirmish leveling was a thing, but “FUN DETECTED, NERF NERF NERF XL amount rewarded”.

Now, it shows that blizz thinked this whole Torghast leveling from start to end, since it sucks from the start.

And yeah, I always enjoyed doing Torghast when it has purpuse (leveling, weekly run for legendary soul ash).

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