9.1.5 Content Update Preview

That would kill small realms, lol.

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I’m praying this might lead to the ability for both the Nightborne and the Void Elves to become Demon Hunters.

It would do so much to the racial diversity of the class, even if its elven only and within the factions.


Correct. This is the least we should expect. They have to work to regain the trust they’ve lost over all these years.


Then keep it on for Small Realms but for high pop ones remove it.

There, everyone is happy.

A nice step in the right direction :smiley:

Where is the Black Hair and Brown Hair for Void Elves ?


Kind of kills the point when it’s the small realms that need people from higher population realms, lol.

This is… Beautiful. It could literally save SL. I am hyped for 9.1.5.

Step in the right direction. Thumbs up from me

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Black hair for void elves and the ability to skip unlocking the Archivist’s Codex and all the rep upgrades on alts and you’ll have solved everything I have an issue with save for a lack of content and the story being awful, but then it’s been Awful since late MoP. (Just undo BfA and Shadowlands at least please. Maybe undo Stormheim too and take Sylvanas in a less… this direction).

And please don’t go over the top with this reporting feature to the point where people are afraid to even speak. The issues you need to be tackling are bots, not words.

Then don’t play on small realms.

Legion M+??? Like actual real Legion M+???
Oh God. Please, can we keep it?? PLEASE.

Lmao, what even is this logic.

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Torghast is still a thing.
The whole edgy death aesthetic is still a thing.
The Maw still isn’t fun.

And there’s more. But I won’t lie: I love that I will be able to use the transmog I unlocked freely. That’s a great boon.


About time they made it possible to switch covenants.

The whole idea that you should be restricted and punished for switching between helping 4 realms who were all allied to each other and not in conflict was stupid from the start.

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It’s a shame you didn’t listen at the beginning when the player base told you on mass that being locked in to covenants was awful. I can’t help but feel this expansion would have been so much better if it had started flexible.


they actually did it
interesting this includes m+ for legion dungeons


A friend really wants timewalking M plus, I can’t see the appeal myself unless it’s just another way of doing the TW weekly quest.


exactly, takes a lot more than this to bring players back, good start at least


Dude. This stuff got more more excited than whole SL. I hope they let it stay. No score needed, just let us push it when we want to!