9.2 Double Legendary

What do you guys think about double lego as a NF DH? I think our covenant leggo is pretty bad, I hope blizz changes it.

I’m pretty sure being able to ‘double dip’ on unbound chaos is a ton of damage. Also suicidal unless you’re quick on the shadowmeld (or if you’re a poor Horde).

I dont think unbound chaos triggers when you have the covenant lego and use The Hunt. If it’s then the leggo would be not so bad.

It doesn’t trigger from the Hunt. It triggers because the Hunt activates Immo Aura.

So, you Immo Aura, Fel Rush, Hunt to get another Immo Aura, Fel Rush again. Unbound Chaos twice in the space of 4 GCDs. (Although you do need an Eye Beam in there for the haste buff as well.)

Fae dh covenant leggo is not bad imo, although realistically speaking free ia/uc every 1.5 min is not something spectacular. The problem is that most other class/cov/leggo combinations are much better.

As things stand at the moment, Venthyr looks like it will edge slightly ahead of NF in 9.2. The others are still behind. The performance of the NF leggo is affected by which other leggo you’re using. It has good synergy with burning wound, which is the go to for mythic plus.

Crazy how you make comments on something so wildly inaccurate. You think the cov leggo is bad, but have never used it?

NF DH’s will gain loads from this change, and will allow us to run two extremely powerful legendaries at the same time. Double EB (with collective anguish) and double unbound chaos in a sub 10 second window is going to be nuts.

I think OP is talking from a PvE point of view - there the NF dh leggo is rather underwhelming compared. It’s definitely more than just a stack-stick in PvE though, but it’s not as powerful as other classes’.

I assume you are talking m+ here since Venthyr in raid is currently slightly ahead of NF.

Do you mean PvP? Shroud of Blazing Slaughter is heavily represented in the current M+ meta for DH’s and after 9.2 it will be a a sure pick for all

Are you trolling? The case can be made for Sinful in Tyrannical and high keys - but NF is worse by every parameter than Burning Wounds for higher keys (17+).

I was thinking of M+, yes. However, Venthyr is only ahead currently on pure ST encounters.

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I am mostly talking from PVP point of view, when you compare it to Kyrian warrior’s leggo there is a huge difference imo. None of the pvp guides suggests our covenant leggo.

My only question: Will CA fel devastation count for Sinful Brand ticks? If so, that’s going to be a permanent Sinful Brand in both Meta packs and ST. If not, I’ll probably just stay NF and use that legendary and cause some unbound chaos :joy:

It can be tested in Torgast but we would hear it if that’s the case during 9.2, Sinful Brand needs to be undispellable to become useful in pvp , The Hunt is too op in every situation, it seems meaningless to switch other covenant when the difference is huge.

Exactly. That would be really nice and would finally give us another option besides fae.

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